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A good friend will bail you out of jail, but your best friend
will be the one sitting next to you saying, "That was fucking awesome!"

December 07, 2004

All Wheel Drive Boost Friend Shell's website if he ever gets something up there.

September 28, 2004

Some cool websites I found if you are bored on the net. Collegehumor, What the fuck, others if I find anything.

September 2, 2003

~Click Here~~This One~ Blah, blah, bladdy fucking blah

May 30, 2002

Well I purchased a Domain Name, can email me now at or if you have my personal E-Mail then that is fine too. Graphixxx Etc is gone and I really didn't want to purchase since that sounds like a porn site, which isn't bad, but it's really hard to tell someone what your URL is.

So Since I have changed the name I am going to re-design some pages and maybe the layout of the main page. This layout is tired, bland, and old so I need to mess around and see what I like.

February 15, 2002

WOW 3 whole month's since I have added anything to my website.  Probably would have been more if I didn't get sick and been home for 3 days straight.  So I decided to add 2 New Sections.  The two new sections are New Years 2002 and DJ Scribble's Record Release Party that was here in Denver. Hope you enjoy...  I also found a program that automaticly closes pop-ups for you, like the ones that pop-up on my site, at download and install ..

November 01, 2001

2 MORE SECTIONS ADDED, I added a section from a party in Ft. Collins and another Party I had at my house, I also added a 5th Priceless Page.  I think that everything is working but I am not sure, if you find a dead link or broken image email me please.

September 11, 2001

Changed all the graphics on my site and some, actually a lot, of the crap isn't working now since I changed servers so I need to figure that one out, and I am working on some java script for pop-ups on all the pictures but its a pain in the ass. So sooner or later I will try fucking with it some more.

Use this text here to Link to my Webpage.

<a href="" target="_top">
<img src="" width="200"
height="30" border="0" alt="For those to Timid to buy Porn"></a>

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