This page will contain information on various NPCs that you can use in your roleplays as well as characters' cybamen.
Power Level: 7
Description: A young girl that is the daughter of the owners of the huge capsule corporation. He is always decked out with their latest gear and has a deep passion on hunting down all of the dragonballs on Earth.
Location: Earth
Power Level: 170
Description: Carrying a very sharp sword Yajirobe is actually quite a fighter even though he may not look it and is very cowardly indeed. He likes to eat a lot and lounge around. He claims to be the leader of the Earth Special Forces but really doesn't do much fighting...
Location: Earth
Power Level: ???
Description: The owner of the Bar K up on blue heaven. He's usually around some place in the bar and he's a very avid fan of hearing stories about bounty hunters tracking down their targets. Once a bounty hunter himself, he's now settled down and lives a life he considers "normal". He is also quite the ladies man...
Location: Blue Heaven
Von Jobina
Power Level: 3,000
Description: One of King Vegeta's most loyal, experianced, and powerful generals in his army of followers. King Vegeta seems to always be able to count on good ol' Von. He is a very heavy drinker.
Location: Vegeta
Mr. Satan
Power Level: 250
Description: The current reigning champion of the "Strongest Man On Earth". He's won the last 2 World Tournaments (even if they were by cheating.) Relatively weak, although among Earthlings he's strong.
Location: Earth