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Fathom Five

Fathom Five is the superhuman strikeforce of the At'La'Tique Atlantean rebel faction. They have attacked the nation of China, as well as various cities in Atlantis. They have also attacked the city of New York a few times and have been stopped by the Thunderbolts, the Sub-Mariner, and Ms. Marvel. During their last battle Radioactive Man used his powers to irradiate Llyron and then threw Llyron into the ocean. Sea Leopard also escaped after being beaten during the fight by Speed Demon. Then Baron Strucker and HYDRA attacked the city but were quickly defeated by the Thunderbolts. Bloodtide, Dragonrider and Manowar were all taken into custody by the US government and Dragonrider's dragon was apparently destroyed by Atlas. Weeks later, it was revealed that the Radioactive Man had irradiated Llyron so that when he returned to the At'La'Tique base, the radiation would kill him and the terrorist group. However, the radiation eneded up poisoning all of Atlantis when Llyron was taken in to custody by Namor. Namor then went to the surface to fight Radioactive Man and get him to heal his people. Going to Atlantis with Atlas, Blizzard, and M.A.C.H.-4, Radioactive Man fixed all the damage done to the Atlantean people. However, he did affect Tamara Rahn (a spy for Atlantis within the At'La'Tique organization) with an additional sleeper radiation that would not affect her, and wouldn't affect others until weeks from the initial encounter. By that time, she would have returned to the At'La'Tique base
