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Henry McCoy's mutant powers were evident at birth, probably caused by his father's exposure to massive amounts of radiation during an accident at a nuclear power plant. As a youth, McCoy's superhuman agility and athletic prowess earned him recognition as a star football player. Learning of McCoy's skills, Professor Charles Xavier invited him to enter his school for gifted youngsters.

Upon graduation, McCoy was hired as a genetic researcher at the Brand Corporation. There, he isolated a chemical catalyst that triggered mutation. Trying the serum on himself, the results weren't what he intended. The experiment caused him to grow fur, enlarged his canine teeth and increased his already prodigious athletic ability, making him appear more like his chosen namesake, Beast.

Current Form:

Former Versions:
Beast (Original Form)
Beast (Blue Fur)
Beast (X-Factor)
Beast (Pestilence Enhanced)
Beast (Cat Form)