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[ Season 1] [ Season 2] [Season 3]

Here's a listing of all episodes from Season 2 . Including is a small one line spoiler for each episode. I hope to add Season 3 by the next update.


014 Joyride
A gang of Jokerz hijack an experimental, state-of-the-art, military vehicle. Batman must stop the Jokerz rampage and recover the stolen weapon before the experimental vehicle overheats and blows up half of Gotham.
015 Earth Mover
A monster - capable of manipulating earth - appears in Gotham to reclaim his human daughter from the man who is responsible for turning him into a mud-creature.
016 Splicers
Terry goes undercover to expose a scientist who is using advanced gene manipulation - splicing - to give animal traits to humans in order to create the perfect gang of teenage henchmen.
017 Lost Soul
The virtual soul of a deceased communications mogul takes control of Terry's Batsuit. When the villain plans to download his virtual brain into the brain of his own grandchild, a powerless Terry has to fight his own suit to save the boy.
018 Blood Sport
The Stalker - a cybernetically enhanced wild animal hunter - grows bored with Big Game and goes after the only challenge left in the world: Batman.
019 Hidden Agenda
Fellow high school student Max (Maxine) learns that Terry is Batman, when he saves her from the threat of a vengeful Joker.
020 Once Burned
Batman/Terry's emotional resolve is put to the test when an old girlfriend, who also happens to be the notorious Ten of the Royal Flush Gang, reverts back to a life of crime. The situation becomes further complicated when he learns that she's being forced to steal to save her family from kidnappers.
021 Hooked Up
Batman has to come to Max's rescue when she becomes addicted to a virtual reality world that is controlled by Spellbinder.
022 Rats!
Batman must protect Dana from a dangerous secret admirer... a lonely teenage outcast who lives underground with giant mutant rats as his only companions.
023 Mindgames
A young girl with eerie psychic powers mentally contacts Batman and begs him to save her from the nefarious clutches of a secret organization known as The Brain Trust.
024 Revenant
After a series of unexplainable events, all the kids in Terry's class think that the ghost of a dead student is haunting their high school. But Terry is skeptical, and he eventually proves that Willie Watt, a former classmate who has developed psychokinetic powers, is causing the eerie occurrences.
025 Babel
Shriek returns, throwing Gotham into chaos with a device that distorts all sound waves, making communication impossible. In exchange for normalcy, Shriek demands a ransom of Batman's life. 026 Terry's Friend Dates
A Robot One of Terry's friends - Howard Groote - tries to impress the in crowd by dating a beautiful girl who is actually an extremely advanced robot. Things get out of hand when her programming goes haywire and she trashes his house before Batman can finally shut her down.
027 Eyewitness
Because Commissioner Gordon thinks he sees Batman involved with the untimely death of Mad Stan, Batman must run from the law. Fortunately, Bruce uncovers the truth and proves Batman to be innocent: the murder was a hallucination, engineered by Spellbinder.
028 Zeta
Batman joins forces with the military to recover a robotic assassin, until he discovers that the robot has escaped the government's clutches because it no longer wants to be a killing machine. Batman jumps sides and helps the robot escape.
029 The Last Resort
A number of Terry's classmates are being sent off to a new innovative tough love boarding school. When Chelsea becomes one of them, Terry discovers the place is being run more like a medieval prison than a school.
030 Final Cut
Bruce is out of town and incommunicado when Curaré - the assassin - returns to Gotham. With Max's help, Batman is able to capture Curaré and disarm the assassin's bomb just in time.
031 Armory
When the father of one of Terry's friends is laid off from his lucrative research and development job, he develops a super-powered suit in his backyard workshop and turns to a life of crime.
032 Sneak Peek
A gossip reporter acquires the technology to become incorporeal and walk through walls. Becoming the ultimate peeping Tom, he discovers Batman's identity and threatens to reveal it on national television.
033 Plague
Stalker returns, this time in the employ of the U.S. government. Batman reluctantly joins forces with his former enemy, Stalker, to hunt down a wily criminal named False Face, who has stolen a dangerous virus for a criminal organization called KOBRA.
034 Eggbaby
Because of an assignment in Family Studies class, Batman must chase down a gang of thieves - Ma Mayhem and her sons - while caring for a computerized egg baby.
035 April Moon
Batman must battle a gang of criminals who have been given bionic enhancements by a noted medical scientist.
036 Payback
A new vigilante, who calls himself Payback, begins taking revenge on the tormentors of troubled teenagers.
037 Sentries of the Last Cosmos
When Terry's friend becomes the highest scorer in a new videogame "Sentries of the Lost Cosmos" he is invited to take part in the next level, an intergalactic battle in the far cosmos. But when the sentries start vandalizing the city and resort to crime, Batman must play a game of his own to find the truth.

The Batman/Superman Adventures, Batman Beyond, Batman, and all related characters, names, images,and indicia are ©1999, DC Comics, a division of Time-Warner Communications, and are used without permission for the purpose of informed discussion. All rights reserved.No copyright infringment is intended. Site design Copyright Edward Nygma 2001-2002.