Hogarth's / Spikey's Hedgehog Rescue
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Hogarth's / Spikey's Hedgehog Rescue - Latest News...
The following are extracts from our most recent editions of the Newsletter....
Spikey’s Hedgehog Rescue - Updates continued...
This lovely, but quite shy female weighed-in only 325 g. as a juvenile hoglet, from the Hinckley area, on the 26th November last year. The lady who brought her to me found this hoglet in her greenhouse; the mother had wondered off somewhere. Basically, she was much too small to hibernate (which the lady could see, too - that’s why contacted me) and if left alone, wouldn’t have survived the Winter, because she was only a little more than half the required weight to hibernate.
Since that time I have been very pleased and amazed at this one’s progress... one of the fastest growing hogs I’ve ever had in - she has put on an average of well over 200 g. per month!! Her appetite is huge and since around Christmas, has been eating ¾ of a can of food, every day - and now weighs...wait for it... 900 grams!!!
Summary of her weight/ growth, as follows...
[Weighed-in 325 g., juvenile hoglet, late-Nov. ‘02.
27/ Dec. - 530 g. (eating well)
1/ Jan./’03 - 550 g. (eating very well!)
3/ Jan. - 560 g. (eating very well)
10/ Jan. - 650 g. (eating very well)
20/ Jan. - 700 g. (eating very well; growing quickly, approaching adult size!)
27/ Jan. - 725 g (eating very well)
30/ Jan. - 770 g. (eating very well)
7/ Feb. - 825 g. (eating very well; almost fully-grown!)
12/ Feb. - 900 g. (eating very well; now about average adult female hedgehog size, but might grow even more before fully-grown). March- still 900 g. (fully-grown?).
Late-born Baby Hoglet
Sun. 12/ JAN./’03 - From Ratcliffe Culey, nr. Atherstone, Warks.
Call at 4:49 pm. Christine Wullis, in Ratcliffe Culey, who has been a Member of our Society since in 2000. Small hoglet; found in garden, out in the day, weather freezing cold! Very kindly, Christine and her sister Linda brought the hoglet here, for me to look after. She very kindly handed me a donation of £10.
This baby weighed-in only 350 g., would have been born considerably late, probably in the latter-half of November!! At first, she was eating very well; weight 380 g. the next evening!
But after a week later, her weight began to decrease, as did her appetite. 350 g. on 20/ Jan., then 300 g. on 22/Jan. - very snuffly. She was rushed to the Fairfield Vets (22/ 1) because she was by then all time rolled-up, refusing to eat and hissed when touched. That early-evening, she was consulted by Vet, Ingrid Segboer and was admitted in. Kept there, overnight, in Incubator and given the necessary injections - fluids, antibiotics and wormer. But very sadly, by in the morning, she had died... she was very badly infected with lungworm; awful mucose diarrhoea.
This happened despite the usual dosage of Panacur wormer when taken in, and you can see why it is necessary to isolate (quarantine) all new-comers for at least 48 hours, otherwise the whole lot of the other hogs kept in could have been re-infected again. Thankfully, they were not. This hoglet was kept isolated the whole time she was with me, just in case!
Late-born baby hoglet.
Christmas Without Cruelty Fayre - 14th December, 2002
Old City Rooms, Market Place, Leicester.
10:0 am.- 5:0 pm.
This was a very successful day for us, and it’s special thanks to Wynne and Joe from the Cat Action Trust, (present at this event), for very kindlygiving me and our display a lift in their van, there and back, that we were able to be present. Also special thanks to Perky Pet Foods (Spike’s World) for their donation to us of all the many wonderful goodies for use at the event, and to everyone who donated sums of cash to us; plus THREE new members joined!! One of these is Kaz Grouse, from Earl Shilton, who bought “Spike’s clock” - anyone who bought this (sold for £5-00) at the event, became a Member of our Society.
No-end of the Spike’s vouchers, hedgehog advice and competition leaflets that we had on display were handed out and taken; plus spare back-issues of our newsletters, were given to all those who made a donation. There was plenty of friendly conversation between stall-holders, visitors to the event and myself - I was asked for a lot of hedgehog advice, I also gave advice about other wildlife; plus some visitors kindly offered their gardens as somewhere to release “fit again” hedgehogs.
In total, we were one of about 12 animal-friendly (rescue) organisations who were present with a stall or display at this event, and all in all the event was very successful, with an estimated approx. 4,000 visitors!
Part of our display-stand on the day.
Hogarth's / Spikey's Hedgehog Rescue
Help - I've found a sick hedgie! - Out in the day? - Hedgehog First Aid - Sick Hedgehogs - Injured Hedgehogs - Orphaned Baby Hoglets - Re-hydrating hedgehogs - Adopt-A-Hedgehog - How it all began - Our Rescue Facilities - Hedgie stories - Our Gallery/ Patients - Our Photo Albums - Other wildlife - Artwork - Hedgehogs' Year - Be hedgehog friendly! - Membership/ How to join - Our Newsletter - Latest News - Sales / Fundraising - Open Days/ Events - Please Help Us - Special Thanks - Home-page - Home-page 2 - Home-page 3 - Contact Us - E-Mail Us - Links