"My father's favorite

quote was, 'Though

The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen

Katherine Dominique (Kate) Walsh


she be little, yet

she is fierce.'"

Kate Bush

Sometimes known as: Kate-chan (Seishi), Cast Iron Kate.



There's more to Kate than meets the eye. At a glance she might look petite and probably helpless, but someone with that assumption clearly hasn't seen this diminutive spitfire wrestle a plane out of a free-fall dive, trip up a knife-wielding cultist with a well-placed sweep of the leg, or attack a vicious demon while armed only with a wrench. Kate's a trick pilot and mechanic extraordinaire, not to mention a very competent contortionist as well. Her heart belongs to Jacky, but she's not lost sight of the fact that she came to Beacon Harbor to search out who murdered her father, and bring vengeance upon them. Bring 'em on!

Kate is: Feisty.
Kate likes: Airplanes. (And Jack.)
Kate's Survey Results

Holmes: Kate is a capable and forthright woman. She has only begun to fathom the size of the task which she has taken on. I only hope she is able to develop the appropriate amount of deviousness to allow her to survive the hunt. Historically speaking, no better training in the art of deception has been developed for the woman than marriage. She will do fine.

Seishi: I admire her spine. She may not have any special powers or super-secret training, but she'll stand up to all comers--and without buckets of melodrama. She's a very good friend, and I'd trust her with anything.

Whisper: Good company and a good hostess. One of these days, I'll have to get my own apartment and pay her back for all the parties. I've heard things about her abilities with planes and believe them, but have never experienced them myself. A lovely woman.

Constantine: With any luck, she'll keep Jack in the present, and provide a face and body worth looking at in the mean time. But the two of them need to remember to pay attention to other people, too.

Kitty: Unflinching bravery, amazing skill, downright scary determination, and composure at the weirdest moments. I don't ever want to get her mad at me.

Pete Wisdom: The inside of her head scares me. Aside from that, she reminds me rather a lot of a surviving version of half the people I was friends with in school. Madly practical, impulsive, thrillseeking, enjoying life. She and Celliers make a good team, somehow.

Buffy: I don't know her very well, all I've seen is that she's either in love with Jack or joined with him at the hip. Very sweet though, always very welcoming and nice. I served her pie once, as the world ended.

Lara: If during my school years I'd actually had any chums, Kate would have been my first and best. Feisty and adventurous (two qualities I admire), she embraces challenges with a bright eyed grin. She's also an exceptionally skilled pilot, and has the good taste to be marrying Jack.

Indiana: Another looker, and a damn fine pilot. Easy one of the best I've worked with, and she's not full of herself, either. Jack's a lucky guy. I just hope she's got a lot of insurance if she ends up flying me somewhere again. Sorry, kid; it's just the effect I have on planes.

Simon: Very nice young lady, though I doubt she knows the first time we met. Think airport Miss Kate. She even tried to get me a job, an appreciated but ineffectual gesture. She's got more spirit then is immediately visible.



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