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Name: Kalia Cheng
Alias: Akari55
Age: 17



"Who be you?"
"I be me."

The name's Kalia, Kalia Cheng. And someday, the whole world will know my name. I'm gonna be one of the most revered online artists in the world! Fanboys will worship me! And, I'll be rolling in dough, working part time at ILM or Squaresoft or Disney or Image Comics.

Hehe, yeah. In my dreams...

Click for more information:

About Me
My Resume

Please send all comments, questions, or suggestions via e-mail. All messages will be responded to in a 48 hour time span. Thank you.

AiM SN: shinakari

All contents of this site are ©2003 by Kalia Cheng, unless specified otherwise.
For rules and regulations of use, please consult our policies link.