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    A race of airborne, sentient gastropods indigenous to StarLand, noted for their amicability, dancing, and divinatory powers.

    Of all the numerous creatures who inhabit StarLand, none are perhaps more friendly than the SkySnails. SkySnails go out of their way to greet newcomers to the land, typically entertaining travelers with synchronized aerial ballets, and general cuteness and good humor. This warm (if somewhat vacuous) reception has led many guests to the conclusion that the SkySnails are nothing more than charming airheads, when, in fact, nothing could be further from the truth. In actuality, SkySnails are highly adroit aeromancers (see Aeromancy), able to derive complex predictions from even the faintest puffs of wind. Especially gifted Skysnails, for example, are able to describe in detail what the inhabitants of a given region will be like in a hundred years, based solely on the patterns breezes make as they riffle through the grasses of the area in the present. It must be stated, however, that SkySnails only use their powers in this fashion infrequently, perhaps because, as one SkySnail puts it, 'That would get boring really quickly.' Instead, Skysnails spend the bulk of their time engaged in the dancing for which they are more commonly known. SkySnails frequently go on dancing pilgrimages to the various Zodiac Temples, to celebrate the appropriate seasonal rites at each.

    As is true of most other peoples of StarLand, SkySnail society is organized loosely and non-hierarchically. While it is true that each generation of Skysnails reveres a hereditary King or Queen, it must be stressed that these royal positions confer great responsibilty with almost no compensating perks, and the royal figurehead is generally pitied rather than envied. For it is the SkySnail King or Queen who must  remain forever aware, aeromantically, of the kazillion possible futures of his or her people, and must analyze each minute course of action with these potentialities in mind. This peculiar form of noblesse oblige is thought to age individuals prematurely, which accounts for the traditional SkySnail saying, 'Crowns make wrinkles.'