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Voices of Superman
Superman serial
Atom Man vs Superman
Superman and the Mole Men
Kelloggs Intro
Adventures of Superman
Mind Machine
Deserted Village
Superman in Exile
Panic in the Sky
Stamp Day/I Love Lucy
Adventures of Superman (color)
Phoney Alibi
Perils of Superman
Superboy pilot
Superman the Movie
Superman 2
Superman 3 
Superman 4
Superman Returns
Superman Returns 2
Man of Steel
Superboy (Newton)
Superboy (Gerard C.)
Superboy (Gerard C) 2
Lois and Clark
Lois and Clark 2
Smallville 2
Smallville 3
Superman on Broadway
ABC Superman TV special
Superman posters
Superman posters 2
Superman Artists 1
Superman Artists 2
Superman Artists 3
Superman Artists 4
Fleischer Cartoons 1
Fleischer Cartoons 2
"Underground World"
Superman, Superboy, Superfriends
CBS Superman cartoons
WB Kids TV Superman

      As every Superman fan knows, Superman was born on the planet Krypton. His parents were Jor-el and Lara, who were killed when Krypton exploded. Over the more than 60 years Superman has been around, the look of Krypton has changed in the comics and in the movie and TV versions. Here are some video captures showing the way Krypton has looked in the Fleischer Superman cartoons, the Superman serial starring Kirk Alyn, Adventures of Superman TV series, the Christopher Reeve movie Superman and the WB Kids TV movie Superman: Last Son of Krypton:

Krypton in the Max Fleischer Superman cartoons of the 1940's


Krypton in the Kirk Alyn SUPERMAN serial in 1948

Krypton in the George Reeves TV series ADVENTURES OF SUPERMAN, 1953

Krypton in the Christopher Reeve Superman movie, 1977

Krypton in the WB animated TV cartoons