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Full Name: Melinda Leigh Hawkins
Age-DOB: 19 - August 30, 1984
Sex: female
Location: Mineola, TX, USA
Status: Taken
Bio: Well, I came up with my Black Forest stories about 6 years ago in English class. We were learing about what kind of experiments the Nazi doctors preformed on the people in the consentration camps. So, I got to wondering if any of those doctors were still alive today and were still conducting those experiments under legal loopholes and such and if so what kinds of weird stuff would they be doing to people. What did i come up with? People with wings. I know what your thinking, "thats dumb". Well, no it isn't. ^_^ Soon I'll have links to the stories themselves, along with a comic verion of the stories, once I've perfected them. So untill then, your just gonna have to deal with seeing pictures of characters you only wish you knew more about.