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Henry Pym

Henry "Hank" Pym was a brilliant, but mentally fragile scientist who was married to Janet Pym, née van Dyne. He was chosen to work on the "Super Soldier Project" for S.H.I.E.L.D. under Nick Fury. Hank was also the superhero "Giant-Man", able to grow to 59 feet and 11 inches (60 feet being the point where the human skeleton cannot support the body's mass). He gained his powers after experimenting on the blood of his wife Jan, who was a mutant.

He was prone to domestic violence. He had been attempting to change, going on a medication, and Jan believed that joining the Ultimates could have been a new start for them. But later the tensions of losing and humiliating himself in a battle with the Hulk, and his jealousy of Jan's "friendship" with Captain America, led into a heated argument between the couple that ended after they had a violent fight, and Janet was hospitalized. Captain America himself took revenge, beat him to a pulp and forced him out of the team.

He was eventually allowed back into the Triskelion, but not as a member of the Ultimates, but rather he served with the staff and acted as a shrink for inmates, including Norman Osborn, Otto Octavius, Maxwell Dillon, Flint Marko and Segei Kravinoff.

Henry seemed to have overcome his violent streak and was desperate to get in the Ultimates again, becoming the ant-manipulator "Ant-Man" and building two prototype androids, Ultron and Vision II. Despite this, he remained a pariah, becoming increasingly depressed as S.H.I.E.L.D. debuted an entire team of Giant-Men who were capable of breaking the 60-foot "limit" that he had been unable to overcome. Desperate, he joined the vigilante team Defenders, starting a meaningless affair with Valkyrie and making a laughingstock of himself.

In spite of his sad descent, he has was able to relate to his estranged wife Jan again, and the two starting to see each other again. He was later visited by the Ultimates' traitor Black Widow, but he was too much in a funk to seriously care.

Pym built an army of Ultrons for the The Liberators. Pym kept the American populace in line using the Ultron robots he created, not knowing how full scale the attack would be. Later When the Ultimates started to beat back the Liberators, he ordered the Ultrons to aid the Ultimates claiming it was part of his plan to betray the Liberators the whole time. He was imprisoned in the Triskelion for aiding the Liberators and was put in the cell formally belonging to the Hulk and Thor.

Later, while under house arrest, Hank was found having overdosed on drug (later reviled to be not of his own accord but part of Ultron's plan). He saved Janet and Tony Stark from Ultron's robot-replica's of the Ultimates, and later helped the Ultimates defeat the replicas and stopped Ultron himself by tearing his head off. For the help he gave the Ultimates, Pym was let back on the team under the alias Yellowjacket.

However, Ultron's actions cause the death Magneto's children, and in revenge, Magneto flooded the eastern seaboard and froze most of Europe. As a result, millions were killed. The Ultimates' mansion was destroyed, and Yellowjacket was in panic, as he couldn't find Wasp. When Hawkeye and Yellowjacket teamed up to find Wasp, Hawkeye spotted the Blob eating her corpse. Yellowjacket went into a rage and bit off Blob's head. After killing Blob, Hank Pym takes Wasp's body back to the Triskelion and tells Iron Man to take her inside and open an encrypted file titled "The Jocasta Project." Later, with nothing left of his life, Yellowjacket saved the Triskelion by blowing up hundreds of Jimmy Madrox's suicide-bomber replicas. The explosion killed him.

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