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Earning Our Gold Stars

So, you want your work to be archived here. In that case, please sign the following contract giving possession of your soul to me.

Actually, that's not it. Here are the rules you should follow when submitting your work:

--The following things should be included in your email submission:

--All submissions must be spell-checked. Sorry, but I don't buy the "I'm a great natural speller" or "I don't have a spell-checker" excuses. Spelling errors irritate me to no end, and as this is a personal site as well as an archive, I don't want to see spelling errors here. A very few unnoticable errors will not disqualify your story, but I will probably, with your permission, fix them myself. The same goes for homonyms such as "your" and "you're," and for punctuation. If you have problems with either of these last two, please get someone who is good at them to fix them for you.

--On the same note, grammar is important. I don't care if forcing your words into a comprehensible structure is destroying their creative energy. I want to be able to understand what you are saying. Therefore, basic grammatical structure should be free enough of errors to be easy to understand. I don't care about such minor and frequently-broken rules as dangling participles, but if I can't tell where the subject and verb are I will not be happy.

--All submissions should be clearly marked as to their nature and content. This means that, should you write, say, a Rei/Usagi lemon, you should have the following in the body of the email you send your submission in with: Lemon, Yuri, and whatever other labels are appropriate. A list of labels can be accessed here. If your fic deserves a warning any higher than "Angst," I require that it be included as a warning in your email. I am an open-minded person, but even I don't enjoy opening a file to find it full of HOT TEEN FARM ANIMAL XXX PR0N, if it was not labeled as such.

--Things that will not be accepted:

--Please, only send the first chapter of your fic. I don't have enough room to fit an epic in my inbox, so I would prefer it if you sent only the first part. I'll make my decision on that, so make sure it is not the weak part of your story.

--Perhaps the most important rule: Make "Submission" the subject of your email. Otherwise, I might mistake your submission for spam, and you will be stuck for months wondering what happened to your fic.

If you follow these rules, you will have a decent chance at being archived here. If I decide not to host your fic, I'll let you know why as soon as I have time, but it will take no longer than one week. The same is true if I decide to host your fic. Fics hosted here may eventually be taken off due to lack of webspace. All fics are eligible for this, but the owner's own fics will be taken off first in case of a stalemate in quality.

A note before the end: I like good writing. There are too many things that make up good writing to be mentioned here, but if I consider your work to be good writing, it will be archived, regardless of series, pairing or characterization (unless characterization is obviously and totally off in such a way as to be impossible within the context of the series). Conversely, if I consider your writing to be bad, it will be rejected, regardless of whether you followed the submission guidelines or not.

Now that that's over with:

It's time to submit