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Dream a Little Dream with Me...Dream a Little Dream with Me...Dream a Little Dream with Me...

~*~* Dreams *~*~

Dream a Little Dream with Me...Dream a Little Dream with Me...Dream a Little Dream with Me...


What's in a dream?...Really?...A dream to some may be to fly to the moon or even become the president of the United States...Even though these dreams seem far fetched -- to the dreamer they are very real and wanted dreams...


Everyone needs a dream, something to believe in with all their soul -- they say a dream is a wish your heart makes and we all know the importance of our hearts...Right?...


To dream the impossible dream for most is un-thinkable -- yet once again for the dreamer, dreaming the impossible truely does make sense...Everyone has a dream of some kind -- but if the truth were to be known only a very few ever really, make their
dreams a reality...Why is that do you suppose?...


Personally I  think it's largely due to a lack of keeping focused on one-day achieving their ultimate goal...Whatever that may be...But  here's the catch 22 phrase where a dream may not become reality...Which is when there is another person involved,

such as, your bestfriend -- the one that you 'love' with all your heart...But what if that person doesn't see 'your dream' the way that you do?...Then what?...Well Becca thinks that's when you really need to re-assess your dream and see what's more important in
that respect (re: your dream as opposed to the 'love' of your life)...Keeping what I just said in mind...Is it more important to go on trying to accomplish your dream if it means hurting the one you love?...


I know by now your all wondering if Becca has a dream...Aren't you?...The answer is simply 'YES' ...Don't we all?...I do have a dream and right now it does seem like its the 'impossible dream' -- a dream that no matter what I try to do will I be able to make     'MY DREAM' a reality...Let me elaborate for a moment if I may...


I have been in Australia since April of 1999 and have been living in a world that I only thought was possible in my mind -- but as the days get closer and closer to  my final departure, I know I need to start coming to terms with my impossible dream...


I would love more than anything to be able to stay here and to fight for my right to be happy and most of all to fullfil my impossible dream, but unfortunately I can't do it alone and without the financial funds, it does make it very 'IMPOSSIBLE'...But that's quite
alright   because at least I can honestly say that..."I lived my dream even if...only for a short while"...


Now though that I have come to grips with the fact that when I leave here, I will also leave my 'dream' behind, I have yet another task before me and that's going to be very, very hard, possibly the hardest thing that I have ever had to do *tear*, and that is to
    try to become bestfriends once again with the man that I will leave behind come April 2000...


If you don't get anything from reading my views on dreams please remember the words to the song "Come Some Rainy Day' and know that Becca will always have a dream of a brighter tomorrow filled with everything she ever dreamed of and more...
The part of this song that really does keep me going is in italics...I do hope that each and everyone of you reading this will decide
to follow your dreams wherever they may lead you...




If you would like to view what I wrote on dreams about a year and a half...



Come Some Rainy Day


What good's a dollar without your baby sister
Two scoops of ice cream on a summer afternoon
We ran wild and all we ever wanted
Was to rule the world
Between our house and school


We move on
Put those dreams away
Thinking that we'll find them
Come some rainy day


First time I saw you, I know I would love you
Half way through sophomore year I finally asked your name
When I kissed you I lost my heart completely
All we ever wanted
Was just to stay that way


We move on
Put those dreams away
Hoping that we'll find them
Come some rainy day
How could I know
That everything would change
Except the way I miss you
Come some rainy day


I'll sit and laugh with friends
At what we've all been through
But I still catch my breath
When someone mentions you


We move on
Put those dreams away
But baby, I still miss you
Come some rainy day


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