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Surefall Paramedics logo

Operative links - Korelorm debrief | Bankko debrief | The Rescue Ranger | Paramedic Scout | Chatranle debrief |
Debgate debrief | Skinniriath debrief | Electrikia debrief | Arroo debrief

Watchers of Norrath guild | EQ Images and Screenshots | Optional Section

SUREFALL PARAMEDICS - why we exist,the team, and the rescues.

When my first character, the half-elf Ranger, Yavinelf was just level 9, I gave thought as to his role in the world of Norrath. I decided there was need for someone to help people recover their corpses, and provide medical assistance. I found I was more motivated by the immediate gratification of helping someone, than camping a monster for hours in the hope that I could get a rare piece of loot.
  Then I came across the words of Krogen Stormheart on the unofficial Everquest website Everlore. Krogen introduced me to the concept of roleplaying, and helping others with buffing/medical stations, and the very next day Yavinelf did one at the Iksar newbie ramp on the Field of Bone!

  Yavinelf was already on a long term quest though, and working to get tough enough to be a rescue agent. What was needed was a second character to do the donkey work, eg. scouting out new zones, roleplaying as a Surefall Paramedics operative, and so, Yavscout was born. Not for him would there be raids and camps, or long quests. In fact, it was not planned for him to ever deliberately progress beyond level 5, since I figured, once he gets the Ranger/Druid invisibility spell, Camouflage, he would be able to explore with impunity.
Then from the example set by those first two agents, others eventually joined the group.

  The Current Team

  YAVINELF - Level 32 Rescue Ranger for Tunare. At the Overthere coastal zone for some grouped adventures.

  YAVSCOUT - Level 27 Paramedic Scout. This agent is in the Karanas and Qeynos.

  DEBGATE - Level 12 Barbarian Shaman. Concentrating on matters in and around the western end of Antonica, this agent is working on getting a Rivervale squad ring, and penetrating the Runnyeye goblin lair.

  CHATRANLE - Level 36 Warrior Iksar, and the Pride of Cabilis. Will do anything within his power to help. When needed, he will accompany the main core of healers to their destination. Currently working to get high enough to join raids, and doing Lost Adventures.
Recently made Recently made a Shadows of Apocalypse guild officer.

  DRAGNET - Level 3 halfling rogue (Brell-worshipping).
Camped at the base of The Hole. Bodies that fall into the zone from above land at his feet.

  SKINNIRIATH - Level 53 High Elf Wizard
Free agent providing magical intervention across Norrath and the moon if anyone is in trouble.

  BANQJOB - Level 4 Human Guild Banker
Primarily a guild banker for the Shadows of Apocalypse, this character can do low level healing and will work around Qeynos, maybe including the sewers, which we have not really looked into before.

  OTHER OPERATIVES - Unknown. We are keeping our options open, and the choice is not an easy one. From what I understand, both Bards and Necromancers have powers to locate lost bodies, but Clerics can do complete heals, as well as resurrections. Swings and roundabouts really.


  Abbreviation key
  CH = Combat heals (keeping player alive during battle after player has yelled for help)
  CR = Corpse Retrieval
  ERn / EM1= Elongated Rescue Mission.
  LOC= Locate lost body
  MR= Melee Rescue
  MI= Magical Intervention (eg. nuke).
  NOT= Nick of time heals

Yavinelf rescues

(last 15)
Zazzi - CH, Lake of Ill Omen
Korelorm - MR, Lake of Ill Omen
Iadn - CH, Lake of Ill Omen
Orcin - MR, LOIO
Hake - MR, LOIO
Daronn - Complete heal, LOIO
Xebshalei - LOC/CR, LOIO
Chasme - Snare intercept, LOIO
Draklyn - CH, LOIO
Ianese - Root intercept, LOIO
Zukiki - CH, LOIO
Locco - CH, Lake of Ill Omen
Korelorm - NOT, Befallen
Mortified - CH, Lake of Ill Omen
Brianh - MR, Splitpaw

Yavscout rescues

(last 15)
Lenerwick - rabies cure, Blackburrow
Cheddar - CH, Blackburrow
Shaiido - Emergency group & camo, NK
Winbik - MR, West Karana
Warpriest - CH, Blackburrow
Debgate - CR, Blackburrow
Mangey - ERM, Blackburrow
Slassa - CH, Befallen
Charmdogg - CH, Befallen
Orfus - CH, Crushbone
Zippa - CH, Oasis
Qatra - CH, Lake of Ill Omen
Valdahar - CH, Lake of Ill Omen
Athinie - CH/MR, Lake of Ill omen
Loronn - CH, Lake of Ill Omen
Slappum - ERM, Antonica
Korelorm - NK, North Karana

Skinniriath rescues

Loratex - MR, Crushbone.
Whuppee - Escort, Paludal Caverns
Kreig - MI, Paludal Caverns
Yavinelf - CR, South Karana
Storstein Forsaver - CR, Unrest
Meandien - NOT, Greater Faydark
SirWhinesAlot - MI, Oasis

Korelom rescues

(last 15)
Dragnet - ER2, Kithicor - The Hole
Barendd - CR, Blackburrow
Foldil - CR, Blackburrow
Aaeoen - CR, Blackburrow
Hamedo - MR, Field of Bone
Zuru - MR, Field of Bone
Skoritzz - MR, Field of Bone
Kharkov - MR, Field of Bone
Eyeusa - MR, Field of Bone
Dnur - MR/CH, Field of Bone
Yavscout - MR, Warslik Woods
Qatra - MR, Lake of Ill Omen
Yavscout - CH/MR, Lake of Ill Omen
Vilerot - CH, (zone tbc)
Yavinelf - CR, South Karana
Slappum - ERM, Antonica

Chatranle rescues

Iadn - MR, Lake of Ill Omen
Zantric - MR, Lake of Ill Omen
Meyow - MR, Shadeweavers Thicket
Crasndo - MR, Shadeweavers Thicket
Shadowpheonix - MR, Lake of Ill Omen
Linorf - MR, Lake of Ill Omen
Halamir - MR, Lake of Ill Omen
Korelorm - CR, Warslik Woods
Brianh - MR, Splitpaw
Korelorm - CR, South Karana

Debgate rescues

Holarg - CH, Everfrost
Tresster - Multiple NOTs/CH,
Ricule - CH, Everfrost
Kcin - NOT, Blackburrow
Harity - Rabies cure, QH
Donegala - CR, Blackburrow
Putre - CR, North Karana

Bankko rescues

Debgate - CR, Blackburrow
Cappadonna - CH, East Commons
Ravenfeathers - CH, East Commons

Electrikia rescues

Skinniriath - MR, Crushbone.
Yavinelf - CR, South Karana
Storstein Forsaver - CR, Unrest

Dragnet rescues

Kasar - CR, The Hole
Mourningday - CR, Qeynos Catacombs

Jraizi rescues

Korelorm - CR, Warslik Woods
Korelorm - CR, South Karana

2 3

The little black book.

Kalfani - This halfling cleric partnered a low-level Yavinelf in North Ro. Extraordinarily dangerous person to group with.
Casekaz - Good fighter, but an 'orrible little fragger.
Igatto - wished death and XP loss on the healer that saved his life in Everfrost.
Tieger - 48 Monk who trained Yavinelf, Chatranle, and Jraizi with several Goblins, and went FD.

Friends, etcetera.

Chrasisu, Sebazy, Chatranle, Anglio, Majesticvale, Dakim, Cazzik, Jraizi
Hinandthesecond , Baneden, Rebasak, Jetgrindfulioo, Oweninion, Krogen, Dfrag, Iceisstorm
Theprotector, Geminite, Sebuli - gave me 10pp for a
complete heal!, Kenesis, Lenolil, Bentyn, Muirne, Salandius
Portalwalker, Grennock, Ardara, Lenerwick, Cynethrythe Gave Debgate +WIS earrings. We have to try finding her a Grandmaster tailor on Bristlebane in return.

Watchers of Norrath guild
Shadows of Apocalypse guild

The little black book.

Kalfani - This halfling cleric partnered a low-level Yavinelf in North Ro. Extraordinarily dangerous person to group with.
Casekaz -
Igatto - wished death and XP loss on the healer that saved his life in Everfrost.
Tieger - 48 Monk who trained Yavinelf, Chatranle, and Jraizi with several Goblins, and went FD.


  STATUS 9/05/2003 Level 30 Ranger

  After several months out of the game, the Ranger is staying in East Karana to solo the cyclops Broon, and practice his conjuration, so that the Stinging Swarm dot works.
In the absence of a working DoT for his level, we are finding that Flame Lick still comes in useful. :)

Yavinelf flaming a snared cyclops.
Yevinelf versus Broon. And feeling reasonably uber about it.

    RESCUES - None noted


  STATUS - 8/05/2003. Level 26 Scout

Bound in LOIO since the Field of Bone has nothing to offer the scout. Taking on tigers, goblin aggressors and the odd sarnak. The scout regularly ports off the island on various missions.
Having fairly good luck getting groups at the moment.

    RESCUES - Joined SoA members Kinector and the wizard Munero in an expedition to the West Karana ogre shrine to help retrieve Kinector's body. Yavscout died on the first approach trying to draw the Chief's attention from Kinector, but both adventurers died. Munero recovered and dragged both player's corpses.


Debgate - daughter of Halas
Daughter of Halas
STATUS 16/06/2002 - Level 11 Barbarian Shaman.

  Bored with the Karana scenery, no matter how good the xp is, the young shaman has set off for North Ro to catch some rays, and may try her luck on Kunark. She is spending the night at a bar in Highpass, and according to witnesses, is 'off her face' after several brandies.



STATUS 9/07/2002 - Level 26 Barbarian Shaman.

  Selflessly backed up Yavscout in South Karana, helping the druid to take down Centaur Archers, or interrupting Yav's medding by pretending to train gnolls, and a cyclops.
The cyclops in question wasn't aware that the shaman was joking, and killed him before Yavscout could assist. Korelorm then had a worrisome corpse retrieval when the druid tried to drag his body to a cleric at the Splitpaw spires, losing it to an ingame bug. Chatranle, Sebazy and Jraizi had to be brought in to help.

    RESCUES - 29/06/2002
  None noted.

The cyclops Broon
The cyclops Broon, about to fall to Surefall Paramedics' finest.


  STATUS 13/05/2002 Level 31 Warrior

    RESCUES - Joined the multi-person corpse recovery operation in Warslik Woods to find Korelorm's body. As well as searching for the missing corpse, there were several encounters with goblin wanderers before they were able to depart the zone.


  STATUS - 18/03/2002. Level 24 Druid

Casting levitate on the East Karana chain bridge

  At last report, the druid was grouped in the snowy wilds of Permafrost, hunting down the wooly heffalumps.

    RESCUES -   The druid saved Cappadonna and Ravenfeathers in the Eastern Commonlands, and was instrumental in helping Debgate to recover her corpse from the icy wastes of Everfrost, by guiding her through the stygian blackness of the Blackburrow tunnels.


STATUS 7/06/2002 - Level 25 Wizard.

New operative.
Electrikia and Skinni help with a corpse retrieval in Unrest. Guy's name was Storstein Forsaver (friend of Elec's).
There was a full group of us.. guy died right at the bottom of unrest .. very very hard) meeting up, then.. when we had to do a little slap and tickle with some undead types and then the guy being rezzed.

*bows* we did a good job seeing as it was my first time EVER in Unrest.

Robe of the Keeper


STATUS 30/05/2002 - Level 36 Druid.

  Electrikia and Skinni help with a corpse retrieval in Unrest. Guy's name was Storstein Forsaver (friend of Elec's).
There was a full group of us.. guy died right at the bottom of unrest .. very very hard) meeting up, then.. when we had to do a little slap and tickle with some undead types and then the guy being rezzed.

*bows* we did a good job seeing as it was my first time EVER in Unrest..


  STATUS - 14/01/2002. Level 3 CR (corpse retrieval) trainee


  Following his death at the hands of Master Yael, an npc whom the rogue should not be KOS, Dragnet went on vacation, discovering a Kerran settlement lost in the green mists of Paineel, and visited the distant city of Qeynos. There, after levelling twice, earning some money and getting some supplies, he unwittingly engaged in a corpse retrieval operation that saw him collect the 23 Shadow Knight Mourningday's body from the Qeynos Sewers, and drag it to the end of the town docks.
Dragnet then went back to the Hole.

    RESCUES -   Although the agent has found bodies inside the Hole, their owners have not been online, meaning rescue operations could not be initiated.


STATUS 26/03/2002 - Level 26 Warrior.

Was that dragon bothering you, Ma'am?
Yet another rescue has gone sour.

    RESCUES - Joined the multi-person corpse recovery operation in Warslik Woods to find Korelorm's body. As well as searching for the missing corpse, there were several encounters with goblin wanderers before they were able to depart the zone.


STATUS 01/06/2002 - Level 30 Ogre Warrior.

  Arroo has recently been in Dalnir, Warslik Woods, Overthere, and the Frontier Mountain area. When you see Arroo in the zone, send him a tell. He enjoys grouping with any class and do some exploration or mission.

    RESCUES - None noted yet.


STATUS 01/06/2002 - Ranger.

The ranger and former Surefall Paramedics agent has come out of retirement to fight evil. View the reasons for her return here on the Knights of Insomnia message board [/ooc Fantastic bit of roleplay].

    RESCUES - None noted yet.

Logo of SoA

Logo for Knights of Insomnia

Logo for Watchers of Norrath


The inside of the Roar tavern in Highhold Pass, after seven brandies
Even medics have to let their hair down.


Electrikia and Skinni help with a corpse retrieval in Unrest.


Nektulos Forest Dark Elf guards
Umm, is a Barbarian Shaman KOS in Nektulos Forest?


Firiona Vie by night.
Aw, doesn't she look sweet.


Elongated Rescue Mission #n

DEBRIEF - No new ones recorded


Shadows of Apocalypse (old) .

Yavinelf's guild, Shadows of Apocalypse (new) .

  Debgate's guild, The Blackburrow Militia .

  Banko's guild, Knights of Insomnia.




  Watchers of Norrath