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Everquest Rescue Tips (A-Z)

A -

B -

C -
  Con the fragging things first - If the person you have tried to help dies, then whatever killed him will consider you its worst enemy.
So get in the habit of conning the monster first. If it is red to you, this should be taken into consideration.

  Corpse Retrievals - Dragging your own or someone elses' corpse will be made considerably easier once you get a hotkey set up. Call it 'Corpse', and have /corpse as the only command in it, then place it on your main hotkey panel.

To use, target the corpse, hit the number key corresponding to your Corpse hotkey slot to summon the corpse to you, turn to face the direction you need to run, hit auto-run, and keep pressing the hotkey, so the corpse is dragged behind you, and doesn't get a chance to fall out of range, in which case you will need to go back for it.

D -
  Drawing with Fire - Risky "hit-and-run" decoy technique when helping players who cannot safely retrieve their own corpse. In Yavscout's experience, this tends to be at skeleton or undead ruins/camps, where the fraggers can see through bog-standard invis'.
The Ogre Shrine (see below) was one such place. Sited in the Western Plains of Karana, the place is guarded by shaman-empowered ogres who initially mowed down our level 15 druid and the client like they were blades of grass.

Screenshot of the Ogre Shrine from a safe distance.
Have the casualty stand clear of the camp, but instruct them to move in for their corpse as soon as the coast is clear. Stand yourself at the very edge of your casting or non-melee (eg. arrows) range, but away from the client. Aggro mob(s), turn, and run like hell.

E -

F -

G -
  Group Gate / Teleport - see Teleport.

H -
  Health won't go up - Not a common malady, but occasionally you will come across the worried player whose health refuses to rise on it's own (not counting healing casts or bandaging)
Once you have discounted the player being Dotted (Damage over Time), poisoned or diseased, get them to check their food and drink levels. That will usually be the cause.

I -

J -

K -
  Kill Stealing - This is an important point, so warrants a different colour font.
  The way I see it, a rescuer's job is to save lives. But if the person being rescued loses out on the experience for whatever was kicking their ass, they might view your good intentions as Kill Stealing.
So if the person has not yelled for help, but in your opinion they have the life expectancy of a snowball in Ro, concentrate on healing and/or buffing the player, rather than harming the monster.
If they have yelled for help, check and secure the player's health and then drop the mob.

L -
  Levitate - Quite impressed with this one now. More as a preventative measure than for use during/after an emergency. This can help with character safety if there is danger from falling damage, such as fighting high up in the Aviak (birdmen) City in South Karana.
Not just to prevent nasty falls, it allows the player to traverse dodgy catwalks, ramps and bridges with confidence. It is also useful casting during a group gate, so that anyone arriving on top of another play in the exact spot won't suffer for it.

M -

N -
  Nick of Time (NOTs) heals - Requiring split second timing and fast reflexes, these healing spells are fired off when a player falls over due to injuries sustained during combat with a non-player character (npc) or monster.

  No visible health - This always gets me. Generally when you find someone's corpse lying on the ground, there is no visible health, eg. no red bar next to their name when you target them. And quite logical, cos' they are dead.
But occasionally you will find a prone person, no visible health, but their name banner doesn't yet say "corpse". Hit them with a healing spell, because they are probably bleeding to death.
Debgate once come across a walking, talking player who had just zoned out of Blackburrow with no visible health.


O -

P -

Q -

R -

  Republic Gunship - If you absolutely, positively, have to extract someone from Warslik Woods on Kunark, use a Republic Gunship. Accept no substitute.

Korelorm rescued from Goblin Menace

  Root Spell - Fixes the targeted npc to the spot. Although frowned upon while hunting in groups since it makes a monster fight to the death, this has its uses in an emergency situation.

  Runners - Those lovely individuals that /yell for help from close by, and then run about like maniacs. A challenge indeed.
New tactics, so far successful, is to cast Snare and/or Root onto the monster, giving the victim time to get clear. The Surefall Paramedic then concentrates on chasing and healing the casualty while other helpers take down the npc.

S -
  Snare - Apart from its uses in stopping trains and general fighting, this slows a monster down, and can be used for the same three purposes as Root above.
There is less chance of a Snare being resisted.

  Spirit of Wolf - Often shortened to the acronym "Sow", this spell makes you run faster, and can make a difference to the outcome of almost any rescue operation.
Certain zones require that you are sowed, since the monsters certainly are, as is the case with the majority of mobs in the Lake of Ill Omen.

T -
  Teleports - The ability to magically transfer yourself from one location to the another, is quite useful if the porter can move other people besides himself from an area that they cannot physically move from.

  Just recently, March 2002, a group evacuation spell was made available to level 18 druids (and wizards?). Called Lesser Succor, the spell allows a group evacuation inside the zone to a "safe spot" and presumably can be done within any zone.

Spell icon for the Yavscout's own Lesser Succor evac.
Zone ...and Lesser Succor's idea of a 'safe spot' was???
Lake of Ill Omen Near Cabilis, the Iksar city.
Kurns Tower The lobby area surrounded by level 11-13 skeletons. Not ideal, but if you were trapped on the Dining Room level, you are not going to complain too much. :)
The Warrens The area directly in front of the zone to Paineel, with the water ornament. I do like this one.
If you have tried Lesser Succor in another zone, and wish to help your fellow EQ players (and us!), please email us with the zone, safe spot, and your name, class and server. Thanks in advance!

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X -

Y - Yavscout - Don't group with him. If you run into trouble in a zone, ie Warslik Woods. He will naturally sit down whilst you are being raped up the a*se by countless goblins and to add insult to injury will the next day remember his group evac spell. But what the hell, at least Shadow p*ssed himself laughing! Also indirectly responsible for Jraizi's death in the ERM Corpse Retrieval that went seriously wrong at the end. (Contributed by Korelorm)

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