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  • 1 (10 ounce) can Refrigerated Biscuit Dough (or you may use Homemade Pizza Dough )
  • ½ pound Lean Ground Beef (Keema)
  • ½ cup Ground Beef (Keema) (diced) (optional)
  • 1 cup Feta Cheese (crumbled)
  • 1 cup Mozzarella Cheese (shredded)
  • 1 ¼ cups Pizza Sauce
  • ½ tsp. Worcestershire Sauce (optional)
  • ½ tsp. Hot Pepper Sauce
  • 1 Egg Yolk
  • Salt (to taste)
  • Black Peppers (Pisi Kaali Mirch) (to taste)
  • Cooking Spray

  1. Preheat oven to 375 degrees F (190 degrees C). Place ground beef in a large, deep skillet. Cook over medium high heat until evenly brown. Reduce heat to medium. Drain excess fat. Stir in ground beef, pizza sauce and feta cheese . Season with Worcestershire sauce (if using it), Hot Pepper Sauce , salt and pepper. Continue cooking for 1 minute, stirring constantly.
  2. Lightly coat a cookie sheet with cooking spray. Separate biscuits and place on cookie sheet at least 3 inches apart. With bottom of a glass, press each biscuit to form a 4 inch round biscuit with 1/2 inch rim around the outside edge. Beat together egg yolk and 1/4 tsp water. Brush sides and edges of biscuits with egg mixture.
  3. Spoon about 1/4 cup beef mixture into each biscuit cup. Sprinkle with mozzarella cheese . Or if refrigerated biscuit dough is not available, use Homemade Pizza Dough .
  4. Bake in a preheated oven for 15 to 20 minutes, or until biscuits are golden brown, (or dough is well done) and cheese is bubbly. Allow it to cool for 2 minutes before serving.

Yield: 8 Servings
Preparation Time: 15 Minutes
Cooking Time: 15 Minutes
Ready In: 30 Minutes
Degree of Difficulty: Medium
Recipe Category: Ground Beef, Pizza, and Cheese
Recipe Ethnic Group: American

Amount Per Serving
Calories: 349
Total Fat: 21.7 Grams
Cholesterol: 80 MG
Sodium: 1178 MG
Total Carbohydrates: 20.6 Grams
Dietary Fiber: 1.1 Gram
Protein: 17.1 Gram

Another Delicious Ground Beef Dish You Should Try - Mexican Pizza
Another Delicious Pizza Dish You Should Try - Cheese Steak Pizza
Another Delicious Cheese Or Cheese Dish You Should Try - Cheesy Breadsticks