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~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*THE WORD*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*

The Word
Issue:  Wahoo.... gettin sick of us yet? no? good..then heres issue #14

Part: 1 of 2
Date: 11/5/01
Member Count: 300 +
President: Tracey
Vice President: Michelle
Editor: Vanessa

Table of Contents...

A Word From Da Prez
Yes We've Got It...The Wilks Latest News
We've Seen Em, We've Read Em, We Wanna Share Em
Where They Gonna Be?

What? black and white not cuttin if for ya??
then why not check it out in colour??
just head over to the Word's Official...all ya gotta do
is...go heeeeeeeere...
Web Site at

Attachment: a photo of Tyler and Steve
Photo Credit: Thanks to Lauren for this one (please do not use without

If you want to send in pics email us and we'll be sure to give you

~A Word From Da Prez~

Hey!  Tracey here once again.  Hope you're all doing well.  I'm doing
great. I'll be 20 on the 18th, AHHHHHHHH I'm getting old (no comments
from any of you).  Saw O-Town again at Mall of America...had front row
and got to meet them afterward.  It was so much fun!  The guys are total sweethearts. 
I also received a copy of The Wilkinson's first album "Midnite Promotions"
and I  love it!  It's so cute :0)  Other than that nothing much new.  Saw
Maximum Security (a local band) last weekend, and I'll be seeing O-Town
when they open for Britney Spears here November 29th.  Hoping the
Wilkinsons add a date near me soon so I can see them too. Talk to ya all
later :0)

~Yes We've Got It...The Wilks Latest News~

*Exclusive Word news*

Move over Star Wars, enter Lord of the Rings. Tyler is looking forward to the
movie's premiere and has already started collecting the figurines.  He says
it's going to blow episode 1 out of the water.  Lord of the Rings hits
theatres December 19th so check it out. And remember, you heard it here first :)

New Wilkinson's called Words and Amanda sings lead.
  Might or might not be on their next album.

The Wilkinsons new CD (not yet named) is due in stores early next year.

A single should be released later this fall.

That's the scoop for this month.  More next.

~We've Seen Em, We've Read Em, We Wanna Share Em~

*Where They Gonna Be?*


Sat 11/10/01 Paducah, KY Executive Inn
Sun 11/11/01 Paducah, KY Executive Inn

*This is a telethon.  It starts on the 10th and ends on the 11th.  The
Wilkinson's will perform a few songs, as well as a bunch of local acts.

Tickets are $25. There will be a meet and greet on Sunday from 1-3 for
the kids to meet the stars.  For more info ask David Pennybaker, I'm
sure he'll know cuz he's going to be an official photographer for it.

Fri 11/30/01 Okinawa, JPN Marek Park


Sat 12/01/01 Okinawa, JPN Marek Park



Sat 1/12/02 St. John's, NF Memorial Stadium
Mon 1/14/02 Halifax, NS Metro Centre
Tue 1/15/02 Saint John, NB Harbour Station
Thur 1/17/02 Hamilton, ON Hamilton Place Theatre
Fri 1/18/02 Owen Sound, ON Bayshore Community Centre
Sun 1/20/02 Ottawa, ON Civic Centre Coliseum
Mon 1/21/02 Peterborough, ON Peterborough Mem. Centre
Wed 1/23/02  Thunder Bay, ON Community Auditorium
Thu 1/24/02 Winnipeg, MB Walker Theatre
Fri 1/25/02 Regina, SK Regina Centre
Sat 1/26/02 Regina, SK Regina Centre


Sat 02/16/02 Cypress Gardens, FL Cypress Gardens
Sun 02/17/02 Cypress Gardens, FL Cypress Gardens


Timmins, ON Timmins Country Festival

Please call the venues before traveling long distances, as all dates have the
possibility of changing. It would kinda suck to go all that way to find out
they werent performing.

Vanessa Plug........Anyone know any information about the Hamilton Show
yet?????? goin nuts here!!! :O)

~Part 2~ Part 2~ Part 2~ Part 2~ Part 2~ Part 2~ Part 2~ Part 2~

~*The Word*~
Issue: 14
Part: 2
Date: 11/5/01

Table of Contents:

Good Ole Articles
The $100 Question...Right here!
The Pole Without Limits
The Special Person of the Month
It's YOUR Birthday
Want Ads...Find Other Wilkinson Fans
Links...You Want Em? We Got Em!
So One Wilkinson Said To Another
And So Another Newsletter Comes To An End...

Attachment: a pic of the group from Marceline, MO (Credit David

~Good Ole Articles~

Wednesday, July 4, 2001
Wilkinsons all grown up
Calgary Sun

Amanda Wilkinson is all grown up and she'sready to sing about it."I'm
going to be 20 on my next birthday (January) and it's weird for me.
Because we've taken a little bit of a break to regroup, people still think of us
like wewere on our first albumcover -- I was turning 16 and Tyler was 14,"Amanda
says about her bandmate and brother, who is now 17."Songs that were
appropriate on the first album are not appropriate now. I'm
a young woman and I have views and things that are important to me that

I want to sing about," says Amanda,  who will play the Stampede's
Coca-Cola Stage with her dad Steve and brother on July 10. The
big-voiced singer admits she's at an awkward age -- some friends are living it up at
college, while others are getting married. She's in the middle, but at
least she's allowed  to date now. "Yes, they're letting me do
that now. It was so funny; My dad sat down and had this talk with us.
He's really protective of me. I'm the oldest, but I'll always be his little girl.  "He
had this great talk when we were on vacation back home and he went
fishing to this crazy remote place in Quebec and he came back and it'slike he
had this epiphany, like he'd harnessed this chi and found that zen he
needed to find. He had this wonderful speech made up for Tyler and I about
finding someone so we won't be alone and how he found my mom and how
wonderful it's been to have her in his life. And we were like, 'Oh my gawd,
you're the cutest,' " she says. Sadly, along with dating comes
heartbreak and Amanda has recently split with a "serious boyfriend" mainly due to
conflicting schedules.  "It's hard to find someone to support what I
do  for the right reasons. Does that sound weird?" She and her family are also
taking the split from their old record company Giant, as well. The
group was transferred under the Warner umbrella, but didn't feel

       Now, they've accepted a new deal with RCA and though Warner will soon
release the new Wilkinson CD Shine, the family heads into the studio
later this month to record a new album with RCA.  "RCA's enthusiasm for what
we're about blew us over. To have the excitement from someone who is a major player makes
us feel more secure about our situation and motivates us to get out
there and write the best music we can," Amanda says. And while the new album
may include a heartache song from Amanda, she's not going to push the
envelope too far. "I'm a young woman and there's certain things  I'd see and
say, 'Yeah that's dang sexy I want to wear that,' but at the same time
I think 'Wait a second, what will people think' ... it may be fun and cool, but girls
are looking at me." Being aware of her role-model status, she doesn't
want to climb on a soapbox.  "There are some things I feel strongly about, but
sometimes taking a backseat and not being really vocal about it is the best thing.

          "To a degree, I think Eminem is brilliant -- he's a brilliant
lyricist -- but he gets up there and  has so many opinions about things and you know
what people think of him." The Wilkinsons are also pleased to play the
Stampede. "We grew up in Ontario and you grow up hearing about the
Stampede. Out of my whole summer, that's the one show I'm most looking
forward to," says Amanda, who also hopes to  get out and check out the

~The $100 Question...Right here!~

Goin with the Rememberance day theme...we wanna know...what
song/event/somthing they said has you remembering constantly about it??

~The Pole Without Limits~

This months poll:

Ok we're not going to have one this month, cuz all we can think of is
really dumb stuff.  If you have any ideas email us.

Last months poll: "What do you think of Tyler's new hairdo?"

A) Love it
B) It's okay
C) Don't really care for it

The Results-

A- 2 people love it
B- 8 people think it's ok
C- 3 people don't really care for it

~The Special Person of the Month~

Congratulations to November's fan of the month...
Ashley Sagriff.

Here is part of her entry:

Name: Ashley Sagriff
Current Residence:Kingston Ontario(Actually a small town just out of it)
How did you become a Wilkinsons fan: I heard there was a really good
band from Belleville or Trenton and i thought it was so cool and than i
listened to them and went to there concert and now i love them they are
so sweet and nice people
How Long Have you Been A Fan? Since there first song 26 cents came on
the radio and i heard it
Fav Wilk: I cant Pick a favourite i love them all!
Fav Song: Fly The Angel Song and 1999

If you'd like to be member of the month fill out the following form and
mail it to us.  We've only got a few forms left and it just isn't as
fun if everyone wins ya know what we're saying?

Current Residence:
How did you become a fan?
How long have you been a fan?
How many concerts have you been to?
What's your favorite thing about the Wilkinsons?
What's your favorite song of theirs?
What's your favorite Wilkinson memory?
Who's your favorite Wilkinson?
Why should you be fan of the month?

~It's YOUR Birthday~


12th- Valecia turns 16
25th- Jessica turns 17


9th- Gary turns 16
18th- Tracey (The Word's President) turns 20 (ahhhhhh I'm getting old)

Do you have a birthday in late November/Early December and want us to
put you in the next issue of the Word?  Email us.

~Want Ads...Find Other Wilkinson Fans~

Name:  Amber Sandlin
Age: 17
Current Residence:  Indianapolis, IN
Hobbies:  Road trips, concerts, music, writing, dancing, movies,
chillin' at home just watching TV and of course eating.

Name: Loralie
Age: 18
Current Residence: MN
Hobbies: chatting , doing websites, going to country music concerts and

meeting the artists, spending time with my family and friends
Yahoo: Loralies65fan
AIM: s65rfmdfan

Would you like email pals?  Fill out this form and email us:

Current Residence:
Any Chat Screenames (Yahoo, AOL IM, MSN, ICQ, etc):

~Links...You Want Em? We Got Em!~

The Words Official Site -

The Wilkinsons Official Site -

Wilkinson High -

Wilkinson Village -

The Greatest Unofficial Fan Web Site -Wilkinsons -

The Wilkinsons In Concert -

Brian's Wilkinson Empire -

Brian's Amanda Wilkinson Palace -

The Wilkinsons Zone

Krystin's Wilkinson World

PopYOUlarity - music reviews, news, tour dates, etc. from lotsa diff

If you've got a website and you want it linked, email the url to us.

~So One Wilkinson Said To Another~

"You're not my special friend." - Amanda (to Steve after dragging out
"Cowboy Sweetheart) *Thanks to Ethan for this quote*

"The way I look at me I'm just Tyler and I don't  really see myself as
any teen idol or anything. I guess other people do and that's what I
think is sorta weird." - Tyler

"If you want to know the value of a dream- We'll tell you it's 26
cents." - Steve

~And So Another Newsletter Comes To An End...~

Nope...thats sob story here...cause we've been around for
like what? ever already? and we aint goin anywhere fast....except into a new
month and workin on a new newsletter! so until then...long live the

p.s....great editor vanessa wants to apologize for having this out
late...doesnt make me look so great now does it?? Im pratically living
at work, and when im not there im doin homework...and then i spontaneously went away once again i apologize....ill be more prompt next week! by
the way...join my adam gregory newsletter! email send me a shout! members..dont kill me...dont i deserve an
extra lil plug everyone once in awhile?? :O) until next sure to tell
youre friends about the word! we do it all for you!

Copyright 2001, The Word.