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~*H&N*~*NBL*~*H&N*~THE WORD~*NBL*~H&N*~*NBL*~ PART 1

The Word Issue #3
Part 1 10/5/00
Member Count: 192 (way to go guys :0) let's go over 200!)
President: Tracey
Vice President: Michelle
Editor: Vanessa
Attachment: a group photo from Chippewa Falls, WI (7/14/00)
Photo Credit: Tracey (Please don't use w/out her permission)

Hey everyone! Hope you all have been doing great. Michelle and Vanessa have been busy with school (Vanessa says BLAH! )and I've been busy with oh nothing, I need to find a job or college...a big shout out to all the new members, hope you enjoy the newsletters. For those of you that entered our member contest..belive it or not..but the results ARE in!

*Member Contest Results*

Thanks to all that have helped. We couldn't do this newsletter without all of you!

Mackenzie- 17
Leanna- 7 4
Lauren- 2
Kyurra Gill- 4
Angel- 3

Drum roll plz...*rat tat tat* and the winners are...

3rd place- Mackenzie got us 17 new members, and for that she will get 4 live pics from throughtout MN and/or Wisconsin :0)

2nd place- With 21 referrals, sisters Bree & Lynzie will walk away with 8 (count 'em 8) live pics of The Wilkinson's from around Minnesota and or Wisconsin :0)

And our grand prize winner is...guitar rift plz *what kinda sound would this be?*

1st place- Gail with 28 referrals! Gail, for all your hard work you will be walking away with (are you ready for this?) an autographed Wilkinson picture!!! The Wilkinson's were kind enough to sign a printed pic for my newsletter, and I've been saving it till this day...congrats gurl!

In our books you're all winners. Mackenzie, Bree & Lynzie, and Gail please email with your address to accept your prize. Thanks once again to everyone! Who knows, we might just do this again sometime soon :0)


The Wilkinson's will be starting to work on their next album towards the end of October and hope to have a single out around Feb 1st, 2000! Can't wait for that!

For those of you that missed it, the Wilkinson's were recently on the Grand Ole Opry (it wasn't televised, but you could listen to it on singing "26 Cents" and a Mack MacAnnally song, called "Back Where I Come From". They also chatted with their fans on Yahoo (transcript from that chat is included farther down). Great job guys :0)

The Wilkinson's have moved into a new house, along with some new pets. Amanda recently purchased 2 horses at a yard sale (Cricket and Penelope). They also have a dog, Jack.

The Wilkinson's completely took over the CCMA's taking home all 4 of the awards they were up for (They captured Single of the Year for "Jimmy's Got A Girlfriend, Album of the Year for "Here and Now", Group of the Year and the Fan's Choice for Entertainer of the Year). Not only that but they opened the show with "Jimmy's Got a Girlfriend" and even did a little ditty introducing the nominees for Male artist of the year. Way to go Wilkinson's! You totally deserve it :-)

*Tour Dates*

As we speak the Wilkinson's are in the Caymans. They will be doing an acoustic performance for 30-50 people tonite and are also involved in the ceremony to set and dedicate a 9-foot mermaid down in the water with Jean Michel Cousteau. Sounds like fun :0) For those of you there, we hope you and The Wilkinson's are having a blast!

Upcoming shows...are they headed in your direction? Odds are if you live in Canada, they are :0)


Sun 10/15/00- Kumamoto, JPN Country Gold Festival


Thu 11/02/00- Kansas City, MO Kemper Arena
Mon 11/13/00- Winnipeg, MB Walker Theatre
Tue 11/14/00- Thunder Bay, ON Community Auditorium
Wed 11/15/00- Timmins, ON Ecole Secondair Therialt
Sun 11/19/00- North Bay, ON Capitol Centre Mon
11/20/00- St. Catharines, ON Sean O'Sullivan Theatre (2 shows)
Tue 11/21/00- Peterborough, ON The Showplace
Wed 11/22/00- Belleville, ON Belleville Yardmen Arena
Thu 11/23/00- Belleville, ON Belleville Yardmen Arena
Fri 11/24/00- Windsor, ON Capitol Theatre
Sat 11/25/00- London, ON Centennial Hall
Sun 11/26/00- Guelph, ON River Run Center
Mon 11/27/00- Hamilton, ON Hamilton Place Theatre
Wed 11/29/00- Sarnia, ON Imperial Oil Theatre


Fri 12/01/00- Owen Sound, ON Owen Sound Collegiate & Voc. Inst.
Sat 12/02/00- Orillia, ON Opera House
Sun 12/03/00- Blyth, ON Blyth Theatre
Mon 12/04/00- Kingston, ON Grand Theatre

*Please call the venues before traveling long distances, as all dates have the possibility of changing.


Chat Transcript from the Grand Ole Opry (oh and if any of you are wondering Tracey is shy_sweetie17 and Michelle is wilkinsonvillagemichelle is Michelle) vanessa was unable to attend it physically... but she was there mentally!

opry_host: The Wilkinsons have just joined the chat room so sit back and enjoy this chat.
opry_host: Steve, Amanda and Tyler are here.
thong_girl69_2002 asks: Tyler, How does it feel to almost have your license?
opry_guest: Tyler: It's pretty cool!
opry_guest: I just don't get much time to drive
opry_guest: Dad and sister say "Be very afraid!"
shy_sweetie17 asks: Amanda & Tyler- Do you think you'll ever play any instruments? - Tracey in MN
opry_guest: Yes
opry_guest: Tyler - I'll probably play a whole bunch of them
opry_guest: guitar right now
barrman34 asks: hey wilkinsons what do you all do in your free time?
opry_guest: Go to yard sales
opry_guest: Amanda bought 2 horses yesterday at a yard sale
opry_guest: Amanda - I know how to pick them!
shy_sweetie17 asks: Congratulations on all the CCMA's! You guys totally deserved them, what was going thru your mind when you won fans choice? - Tracey in MN
opry_guest: Steve: I just kept thinking that it was a fan voted (phoned in votes)
opry_guest: and to have made that kind of impression on our fans in Canada
opry_guest: it just really touched all of us
opry_guest: Amanda couldn't even speak at the awards
bryanwfan asks: Hi Amanda, Steve & Tyler. If you could each choose one singer to record a duet with who would it be? opry_guest: Steve: Um...Dolly
opry_guest: I just love being around her
opry_guest: Amanda: I think my favorite is probably....George Strait is pretty cool
opry_guest: He could sing the phone book and it would sound great
opry_guest: Tyler: Emmylou Harris!
opry_guest: Amanda: She's probably one of the coolest ladies that I've ever been around
barrman34 asks: hey wilkinsons what has been the highlight of your careerr this year so far?
opry_guest: Steve: There have been too many to nail it down to one
wilkinsonvillagemichelle asks: What songs are you going to be singing at the Opry tonight?
opry_guest: Amanda: Jimmy's Got a Girlfriend
opry_guest: of course
opry_guest: Steve: And if everything goes well, we'll be singing a Mack MacAnnally song, called Back Where I Come From
opry_guest: Amanda: He's such a cool guy!
thong_girl69_2002 asks: I was woundering if The Wilkinsons need a back up singer?
opry_guest: Steve: It would upset our youngest, Kiya, if we invited someone else in before her.
barrman34 asks: hey wilkinsons whats it like performing together as a family?
opry_guest: Amanda: "Horrible" (laughs)
opry_guest: We have a lot of fun together
opry_guest: ...of course...we get on each other's nerves, most families
opry_guest: but that's normal
barrman34 asks: hey wilkinsons who are your influences?
opry_guest: Steve: Everyone from Hank Williiams Sr., to the Everly Brothers, to
opry_guest: the Eagles
opry_guest: to Sons of the Pioneers
opry_guest: Amanda: We got a lot of influences passed down from Dad
opry_guest: but I guess two of the biggest influences to me...
opry_guest: personally, opry_guest: are Dolly Parton and Bonnie Rait
opry_guest: Tyler:
opry_guest: ....
opry_guest: Probably Vince Gill, Bryan White and George Strait
wilkinsonvillagemichelle asks: Can you fill us in about the mermaid in the Caymens?
opry_guest: Amanda: We're going to the Cayman's in October
opry_guest: to do a benefit opry_guest: and while we're there,
opry_guest: we're involved in the ceremony to set and dedicate
opry_guest: a 9-foot mermaid down in the water with Jean Michel Cousteau
Barnstormer_64 asks: Steve, you've said that you will only continue performing if you're having fun. What can we, as fans, do to make sure you stay happy? Because we want you to keep singing for us.
opry_guest: Steve: Scream and yell as much as possible (laughs)
opry_guest: Amanda: I guess...Just enjoy our music.
opry_guest: We always have fun. So if you're having fun, we will too
barrman34 asks: hey wilkinsons are you going to make a christmas cd?
opry_guest: Steve: No plans in the near future for that
opry_guest: But we'll let you know
wilkinsonvillagemichelle asks: My friend wants to know if Amanda and Tyler would ever date a fan and what qualities they'd look for?
opry_guest: Amanda: You never know...we're still really young
opry_guest: I guess just be yourself
wolfie_pbwf asks: I was able to see you guys perform in Walkerton, ON for the Watershed Festival. You guys were great! What I'd like to know is.. how hot was it on stage!??!
opry_guest: Tyler: I don't know? It really all depends
opry_guest: Steve: It was like performing in a sauna
opry_guest: We were performing in a room of 6,000 that was meant to hold about 3,000
opry_guest: Amanda: Hot Hot Hot!
cmt_99_1999 asks: how can I find out where the Wilkinsons will be touring at next?
opry_guest: To get our tour schedule....
opry_guest: But don't do it right now
wilkinsonvillagemichelle asks: Who's the coolest person you've gotten to meet
opry_guest: Tyler: Dolly Parton (said with great enthusiasm!)
opry_guest: Amanda: Garth
opry_guest: Steve: George Strait
opry_guest: He's quite and the chicks love him!
wrightcrew asks: Hi, Steve, Tyler and Amanda! What does performing on the Opry mean to you? See you guys tomorrow night at the AL show...
opry_guest: It's really important for us to perform here
opry_guest: The Opry is the foundation of country music and has been for 75 years opry_guest: and for every country singer...this is what you dream of
opry_guest: Amanda: I feel privileged that they want us to be a part of something like this
danaluvsls asks: Tyler and Amanda, do u feel that becoming famous has made u grow up faster than u wanted to? opry_guest: Tyler: For some people who are young and in the business it makes them grow up too quick
opry_guest: but for us, we know it's important to stay grounded
netridermi asks: Steve, are the kids any harder to control now than a few years ago with the fame?
opry_guest: Steve: No, they're not
bryantylersgirl asks: Hey Wilkinsons...what's it like to travel so much on the road?
opry_guest: Amanda: We love it
opry_guest: We're fortunate to see everything that we have over the past 5 years
wolfie_pbwf asks: How is Kiaya doing with her mandolin?
opry_guest: She's doing great!
opry_guest: She travels on the bus with us and she practices a lot
starcowboylb asks: Amanda: Are you going to college?
opry_guest: Amanda: I'm planning on year
opry_guest: Belmont Univ. in Nashville
cheerleader1999_2003 asks: When are you guy's starting on you next ablum?
opry_guest: End of October opry_guest: so we'll probably have a single out by around Feb. 1st
crookandchasefan asks: Whats the strangest thing that has happened on the road yet?
opry_guest: Tyler got hit in the head with a bra...thrown on stage
opry_guest: Laughs
cmt_99_1999 asks: what advice would you give to someone who was wanting to start out in the country music business?
opry_guest: Sing every chance that you get opry_guest: you never know who's in the audience
opry_guest: that's how we got record deal with Giant
jet_blackninja asks: if you could perform with pop star who would it be?
opry_guest: Tyler: Celine Dion
opry_guest: Amanda: Paul McCartney
opry_guest: Steve: 98 Degrees
opry_guest: I'm sorrry the harmonies are dancing though
bacon82002001 asks: tyler so what is your most imbrassing moment?
opry_guest: Tyler: The bra!
opry_host: The Wilkinsons need to leave to sing on the Opry.
opry_guest: Amanda: We always enjoy the chats that we've participated in
opry_guest: especially the Opry chats
opry_guest: Thanks for your continued support!
opry_host: Thanks to the Wilkinsons.
opry_guest: Steve: Cool - Hey Todd! one asked them what theyre favourite kind of jello is?? :O)

The Wilkinsons
hosted by Joanne Spataro Join TeenVoices & other family groups

The Wilkinsons' new hit single, "Jimmy's Got a Girlfriend," will make you smile until the very last note. The rest of their new album isa winner, filled with a truck load of catchy tunes that everyone will enjoy. Here and Now, their sophomore CD, is a real milestone for the family act. The talented musical trio includes brother and sister Tyler (16) and Amanda (18), and proud dad, Steven. They've been singing and making music together for years, yet they've only been basking in the limelight for two years. They have received countless awards for their contemporary brand of country music. They've also made appearances on popular television shows like Good Morning America, Access Hollywood, The Donny and Marie Show, and many more! Amanda has been the main vocaltalent from the very start. She had the knockout voice on their debut album, Nothing But Love. Tyler While she took center stage, Tyler was crooning in the background, but not for long.That's all changed on their new album! He's been brought into sharp focus on Here and Now.Their second album is a real milestone, because he shares the spotlight with his big sis in a collection ofwonderful songs. They even co-wrote a song together (along with N*SYNC pop writer, Robin Wiley) called Itwas Only a Kiss. This new CD is far from being just strictly country fare. It has a contemporary pop beat woven into the roots of country,a very potent mix. Here and Now will satisfy any kind of taste, with its livelybackbeat and singable lyrics.

Joanne: I had the pleasure to talk with Amanda and Tyler,about everything from how they got started, and what everyone thinks about Tyler becoming an instant heartthrob! I'd like to welcome Amanda and Tyler Wilkinson to the interview. You're deep appreciation for life, living in the moment and family is refreshingly evident in all of your songs. There's a variety of fresh, distinctive sounds on each of the tracks. How do you keep your spirit alive every day, and how to you channel it into your music?

Amanda: We truly enjoy the gift of music. If we didn't we wouldn't be in this business. We enjoy being able to make music, and be creative. We'd do it for free! We HAVE done it for free...ha! ha! The recording process keeps getting better and better, and more inspiring. Life is so much fun for us right now, and that can't help but become evident in our music.

Joanne: What's a typical day at your house like when you're touring, and when you're not?

Amanda: Basically when we are on the road our days are very routine oriented. I usually get up at around noon. Hey, I'ma teenager! Then I get ready for the day at whatever hotel we may be at that day. After that I grab some lunch, then I have some time to check out the town. Which usually means I get to do some shopping,even if it's just to look. What can I say? I love it! Prior to the concert we do any prearranged media whether it's radio or magazine interviews. Then right before the show we do a radio meet and greet with contest winners. After that - it's show time! That's the fun part! It's my favorite part of the day. After the concert we see our fans and sign some autographs. It's always a blast to meet our fans. They are the whole reason we do what we do. Once we are loaded up and ready for the road it is about midnight. Then we are on our way to the next city and I'm ready for bed!

Tyler: Usually when we are home we do typical teenage stuff. We hang out with our friends. We go to the mall. We go to the movies (we see a lot of movies!!!!!!) And we do a lot of outdoor stuff - like roller blading. But of course there is a pause in amongst all of that where mom kicks my butt and makes me do schoolwork.Yeah, you heard me right.

Joanne: What was is like to shoot your new music video for "Jimmy's Got a Girlfriend" outside of a sound-stage, for the first time?

Amanda: Shooting "Jimmy" was crazy! We had so much fun. It was shot in a really urban part of Los Angeles. The buildings looked like they should have been in"West Side Story". It was shot in January, so it was really cold outside. I know it looks like it was warm, but it really wasn't. Between each take we had to put coats on - because it was freezing!

Tyler: We started shooting at 5:00am Talk about early! But, the cool thing was, eventually it did warm up in the afternoon. The extras were so much fun. There were about 45-50 extras. They really added to the energy of the set.

Amanda: It was the first time I have ever attempted to do some acting. Let me tell you, it was a really unusual experience. One I will never forget. I had a really fun time with it. I'd do it again for sure.

Joanne: I've heard there's a funny story to go along with the making of your new single "Jimmy's Got a Girlfriend." Could you please share it?

Tyler: Oh yeah! The actor that played Jimmy in the video (Scott Bailey) was picking up Amanda in one of the shots in the video and his khakis split right up the back. Well....we didn't have enough time for him to change, and he didn't have another pair of khakis. So, the director basically told the people in wardrobe to tape him up and carry on. Scott was really good about the whole thing. Needless to say it 'cracked' us up the entire day!

Joanne: Who's idea was it to start a band? Did you ever expect to go on television shows, win countless awards, and be so popular on the radio? Why or why not?

Amanda: I don't think it was this huge cosmic epiphany where we said, "hey we sound awesome together. We should take this show on the road".. ha, ha. We've just always been singing together. We just have a lot of fun with it. It was something we could do as a family. We are still having a blast! I hope it never gets old.

Tyler: In our wildest dreams we never expected any of this. I don't think you can expect something like this to happen. We are so excited to see what is in store for us next. We most definitely have to thank our fans for embracing our music, and us. Also other artists in the country music industry and outside the country music industry have really been supportive. We really appreciate all of it.

Joanne: I can imagine how being on a tour bus together for days on end could strain your family ties. How do you nurture your close relationship and handle being irritated with each other?

Amanda: You definitely have to be patient, becauseeveryone gets into their little mood occasionally. If one of us is having a bad day we just know enough to give each other some space. It's not that we don't love each others company. It's just that, sometimes we have to respect each other's privacy. One thing I have to work on is to stop hogging the bathroom. The guys hate that!

Joanne: How has Tyler being a new heartthrob affected the whole family?

Amanda: We think it's funny. We just see him as "Tyler" but girls go crazy!

Tyler: I don't get it. Don't get me wrong, it's really flattering! But I look in the mirror and I think I look like every other teenage guy out there. I just don't get it!

Amanda: That's OK Ty! We don't get it either!!! ha, ha

The Wilkinsons take home a four-pack of CCMA awards

The family that plays together, stays together. And wins a whole bunch of awards together, too. Especially if the family happens to be the Wilkinsons, the Trenton, Ont. clan that cemented a country dynasty of sorts last night by walking away with an armload of Canadian Country Music Association awards - for the second year in a row.

"We are completely, like, dumbfounded," said Amanda Wilkinson, the 18-year-old who forms one-third of the trio, along with brother Tyler, 16, and dad Steve.

And that was after only their second win in front of 7,000 enthusiastic fans at Skyreach Centre. In total, the Wilkinsons walked away with album of the year, for Here and Now; single of the year, for Jimmy's Got a Girlfriend; vocal duo or group of the year and the hotly contested Chevy fans' choice award, which saw them competing against Julian Austin, Terri Clark, Paul Brandt and the absentee queen of country, Shania Twain.

"Thank you guys again for everything. These past couple of years have been absolutely tremendous for us," Amanda said after their third win, referring in part to the five CCMA awards the family won last year.

The Wilkinsons weren't the only big winners of the night. Calgarian Paul Brandt, who shared hosting duties with fellow Albertan Terri Clark, took home video of the year and male artist of the year awards.

"I wanna thank God for the wonderful gift of music. I want to keep doing this as long as He and you guys keep letting me," said Brandt after accepting the male artist award (and a standing ovation). "You fans, you're my life work, you make my dreams come true. Every time you smile I appreciate it." Clark, living up to her reputation as a fun-lovin' country gal, kept the proceedings on its collective toes. (Hey, Paul, you knew what you were getting into when you signed up for this gig.) It's tough to recall the last time a CCMA awards host grabbed her bosom to make a joke. OK, maybe it's not that uncommon. Canadians weren't the only ones on stage (and we're not talking about all the Canadians who now call Nashville home).

The Dixie Chicks accepted their award for top-selling album Fly) in a taped segment, and the legendary Patty Loveless performed That's the Kind of Mood I'm In. Much closer to home, Edmonton's own Adam Gregory, who performed a 90-second version of his hit song Horseshoes to enthusiastic screams, was shut out of the rising star award by Tara Lyn Hart's win in that category. "I was personally rooting - I mean everyone was so great, but I wanted Adam to win," said Hart of her record label-mate. Naturally, someone in the audience screamed, "I love you Adam!" "I love Adam too. He rocks," said Hart.

The female artist of the year award went to Michelle Wright, who, just as an aside, looked abso-freakin-lutely amazing in both her outfits for the evening. She got a well-deserved standing ovation. "Oh boy. Boy oh boy. That's really wonderful, thank you so much," said Wright, who was on the verge of tears of joy.

The final award was the Chevy fans' choice award (apparently Ford fans weren't allowed to vote), going to - once again - the Wilkinsons.

"Wow, this is awesome! The award name just speaks for itself. It's because of you guys up there that we're standing up here," said Tyler Wilkinson. "Thank you Canada, you guys are absolutely the best," added dad Steve.

Read on for Part 2 (this message was too big to fit in one WOOHOO!)

Fan Stuff...

*Question of the Month*

What do you think of The Wilkinsons new video for 1999??

Last months question... "What's the craziest thing you've done to get the Wilkinson's attention/in front of them?"

I met The Wilkinsons on August 11, 2000 at the Georgetown Fair in Georgetown, IL. I was so excited that if you bought a CD, you could go back after the show to meet them! Well, I ended up the last in line to meet them. Then their tour manager came up and said, "guess what? We're gonna start with the back!" I was sooooooo excited! I met them all and hugged Steve, Amanda and TYLER!!!! As I was walikng away, I saw the line where people were waiting to get their autograph. The line was HUIGE. so i screamed (VERY loudly) "ANYONE WANT TO TOUCH ME??? CAUSE I JUST HUGGED TYLER!!!" i have NO clue why that came out of my mouth, but it did, and people stared at me and my mom started craking up! My face was VERY RED! ~Kylie

Let's see I've been pretty calm in front of Tyler although inside I wanted to hug him so bad!! LOL really at the first concert I went to of theirs, actually it was a big thing because it wasnt just The Wilkinsons there. The other performers were.. Rascal Flatts, Jo Dee Messina, and Ty Herndon. Anyways Rascal Flatts was on first and my little buddy Mitchel saw Tyler backstage. So he tryed to show me where he was but I couldnt see!! So Mitchell being the sweetie that he is, climbed up on a chair and screamed Tyler's name!! He looked over and Mitchell was like: "This is Alex and she loves you!" Tyler smiled and waved at me!! I was like OMG!!! And then Amanda and Tyler waved to us again onstage!! Yes Mitchell has a crush on Amanda LOL okay that's it.. Thank ya ~*Alex*~

um sang along with the songs? haha. I don't really do many crazy things, i've talked to them before and they were really nice. I don't think you'd have to do anything really insane to get their attention! - Andie

i haven't ever done anything crazy in fron of them. i've made a sign. - Sara

LOL probably brought a lightsaber to a show and waved it around during "Hypothetically". The look on Tyler's face was just hilarious! - Tracey

....y'all don't hurt me but when we were in Peterborough talking to two of Paul's band members..Tyler came over trying to "start a fight" with them and I reminded the drummer that he still had blue hair dye left to apply to Tyler's hair when he was sleeping for revenge... LOL!! Tyler got called back over cause they weren't done autographs yet LOL - Mel

Well, I actually didn't do this in front of them, but . . . I took scuba lessons last year so I could hopefully scuba dive with them on the cruise. (They didn't go scuba diving on the cruise, though). Anyway, I ended up getting decompression sickness ("the bends") on the last day of my open-water training. At least that's what they ended up calling it. I'm still not 100% positive that's what it was, but I'm treating it like it was. Anyway, I got to spend several hours in the decompression chamber. And go back a few times that week for even more treatments. Oh what fun. - David

I dont know if they seen it or not...but, in OKC as their bus was pulling foot like slid out of my shoe on the side and I tripped. Luckily Cynthia was there to catch me. But, in Potosi, MO this girl beside me had her friends and they were holding a sign for Tyler. Cant remember what it said..but, the people behind them were complaining so she asked me to help her....I was like hesitating b/c I never ever hold signs for anyone! But, I was like okay..and then Tyler I was like um, nm. And stopped holding it. - Jaclyn

As for Holly....she was screaming into their camper back in Topeka @ RRD's..and she was talking to Kiaya through the glass telling her how much she loved her brother!! It was funny! And then Chris and Amanda came out and Chris gave us these tickets and Holly thought they were concert tickets and was going on and on about how cool it was of her, and blah blah, when really all's it was were just tickets for the rides...LoL - Jaclyn

"The Frying Pan Incident" That's all I'm saying - Ethan

Poll Yes, the pole without limits is back! We give you a question you give us our pick.

This months poll: If you could write a song about The Wilkinsons..what would the title be??

Last months poll. "If you were stranded on an island, which Wilkinson would you like to be stranded with?"

If I were stranded on a desert island I'd naturally want to spend it with Tyler!!!! there's no doubt in my mind. Now dont get me wrong I love the other Wilkinsons just as much..well maybe but Tyler is so sweet and nice!!! Ahh just thinking about it puts a smile on my face!! - Alex

I pick tyler because he is my age, cute,seems really nice and has stared at me. - Sara

tyler because he seems like he'd be able to catch fish so we could eat! Plus he seems really nice and fun to be around. - Andie

Only one? Eegads, such a hard choice. I guess I'd have to say Steve. He's closer to my age, and he can play the guitar, so we'd have something fun to do (duets with the guitar). He can take the guitar with him, right? - David

Most girls would say Tyler. Most guys would say Amanda. I would have to say Steve. I mean he use to be a Carpenter or something like he could make us a tent or something. LoL - Jaclyn

If you were stranded on a desert island...with wish wilkinson would you want to be there with??

e) cant decide? Danielle

Tyler...why? Cuz he could put on an Obi-Wan costume, get out a lightsaber and protect us from the dark side...LOL just kidding but I would pick Tyler. - Tracey

*Concert Review*

Feb. 19th, 2000 in Ottawa, Canada
by Angel

Hi my name is Angel I am a huge fan of the wilkinsons I have loved them since the first time I saw them preform when they were on home grown cafe with me well the same show night. Since then my mom and i always talked about how one day they were gonna make it and look at them now. So anyways i have been to lots of wilkinsons concerts but i am gonna write about the most recent one on feb.19/00 here in ottawa.

My mom and I had floor seats at the concert I borrowed a friends camera cause my camera is crappy. The concert was greatduring it I even went up to the stage and took pictures, well I thought I was taking pic's it just so happens that since it wasnt my camera i didnt know how to work it your sopposed to press the button and wait for the green light but silly me i was so excited i forgot a just keept pressing the button so the ones that i took during the concert didnt turn out. I also brought up to the front of the stage a special present for each one of the wilkinsons tyler bent down to take them from me but he keept dropping them (hes soo silly)I was at the front of the stage for a very long time trying to hand them to him (my mom said he did it on puropse????maybe she was just trying to make me happy i donna know) Anyways I went back to my seat after shaking his hand i was soo red i could feel my face beeming.

After the concert a man from y105 came on the stage and said they would be having a meet and greet for fan club members and for people who had bought their tape or cd and as long as it was in the package. Darn I thought cause my fan club stuff hadnt come in the mail yet. BUT I did have their cd with me even though I hadnt bought it their but my mom reminded me that it had to still be in the package. So I was very sad until a lady told me I could pretend I was her daughter but no need for that cause when I was standing in line waiting with her a very nice lady came up to us and started talking to us I was telling her about home grown cafe and how much of an idol amanda was to me and how cute and sweet tyler was "I wanna get out of here before the mad rush" she said after I was curiouse to what she was talking about so i asked "don't you wanna meet them?" while I was noticing her laminet she said "oh I get to see them all the time" "what do you mean?" I asked "oh i am their aunt" she replied casually!!!!!!!!! I was like no way and I was like flipping out she told me to go grab a pen and paper and she would take my address and mail me she said and we would keep in touch on top of that i got her laminet. I went backstage and took a pic with the wilkinsons I was made at myself for wearing big shoes cause i looked giant compaired to all of them but it didnt matter I talked to them for a while and told them about the camera problem Amanda said "why would you want pics of him anywyas" I could feel my face turing red we laughed it off and took a pic then i left. I asked my mom if she thought that their aunt would really keepin touch and well to anwser that question we have been emailing each other and talking on the phone and in november actually november 22 I am taking a bus down to her house in the beeleville area and sleeping their we r going to the concert together and she said that she would bring me backstage before the concert. And who knows maybe just maybe we will be able to hang out with them or something. oh and you know in the latest issue of country weekly the dog in that picture is wear i am going!!!!!! Well I was glad to share my story I have so many more but I will write about the november 22 one after I go ttyl love Angel Thanks Angel!

Cool writeup :-) Have a concert review you'd like to share? Email

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