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Slovenian Branch of the Slovenian World Congress
Conference Series
Origins of the Slovenians

First International Topical Conference

The Veneti within the Ethnogenesis of the Central-European Population

Slovenian World Congress
Cankarjeva 1/IV
Ljubljana, Slovenia

The Papers Actually Presented at the Veneti Conference:

Alphabetically by Author
# Author's Name Title In English* Naslov v slovenšc'ini
1Ambroz'ic', Anthony Etymological Parallelism in Inscriptions, Tribal Names, Toponyms, Hydronyms, and Word Compounding from Ancient GaulOcena Slavenetskih Napisov Iz Starodavne Galije, V Katerih Se Zrcali Etimološka Vzporednost Krajevnih Imen Plemen Juz'no In Vzhodno Od Reke Loire
2Arko, Lojze with
Jandrac'ek, Peter
Linguistic Connections Between Basques and Slavs (Veneti) in Antiquity Jezikovne Vezi Med Baski In Slovani (Veneti) V Starem Veku
3Bizjak, J. About Slovenian Sounding Toponyms from the Adriatic Sea to the Baltic Sea O Slovensko Zvenec'ih Toponimih Na Podroc'ju Od Jadrana Do Baltika
4Bryant-Abraham, Charles Refinements and Future Directions in Venetic Scholarship
5Cvetko, Igor Ethnographic Remains of Folk Music:  The 5/8 Tact as a Rhythmic Specialty of the Slovenian Music Tradition S Podroc'ja Etnografskih Sledov Ljudske Glazbe
6Donski, Aleksandar Ancient Macedonians:  Did They Have a Common Origin with the Veneti? Ali So Imeli Predniki Makedoncev Skupen Izvor Z Veneti?
7Gerden, Joz'ica
with Marn, S.
The Wends in Australia
8Gorenc, Ivan Reports of Emperor Julian on Veneti Settlements in the Region of Aquilea as Late as the 4th Century A.D.
9Grohar, Tomaz' Traces of the Slovenian Language in France Sledovi Slovenšc'ine Pri Prebivalcih Srednje Evrope
10Jandrac'ek, Peter
with Arko, Lojze
Linguistic Connections Between Basques and Slavs (Veneti) in Antiquity Jezikovne Vezi Med Baski In Slovani (Veneti) V Starem Veku
11Kebe, Dimitrij The Yapodic Town of "Metulum" Japodsko Mesto "Metullum"
12Kiauta, Boštjan Snake Associations in the European "Dragonfly" Folk Appellations:  Distributional Pattern Reflecting the Urnfield Cultural Expansion During the First Millenium B.C.Kac'a V Zvezi Z Evropskim Ljudskim Poimenovanjem "Kac'ji Pastir":  Katero Zrcali Razprostranjenost Kulture Z'arnih Grobišc' V Prvem Tisoc'letju PR. K.
13Lenarc'ic', Andrej The Architect Plec'nik and the Veneti Plec'nik In Veneti
14Marn, S. with
Gerden, Joz'ica
The Wends in Australia
15Nikc'evic', Vojislav Supplemental Material on the Veneti as the Ancestors of Slovenes Novi Prilozi O Venetima Kao Precima Slovenaca
16Orešnik, Janez The Linguistic Comparative Method O Primerjalni Metodi (V Jezikoslovju)
17Pec'jak, I. Genetically Conditioned Hip Dislocations of Girl Babies Found in the Region of the Urnfield Culture
18Radešc'ek, Rado [Paper has been withdrawn] Models and Archaisms in the Slovenian Oral Folk Tradition Modeli In Arhaizmi V Slovenskem Ljudskem Pripovednem Izroc'ilu
19Rant, Andrej Knowledge of Writing in the Southern and Southeastern Alps during Prehistoric Times Pismenstvo V Prostoru Juz'nih In Jugovzhodnih Alp V Prazgodovini
20Rant, Andrej Interdisciplinary Project:  Ethnogenesis of the Slovenian Nation, A Challenge for Slovenian Science Multidisciplinarni Projekt:  Etnogeneza Slovenskega Naroda, Izziv Za Slovensko Znanost
21Rant, Joz'e The Veneti Theme in Scientific Literature of the Last 30 Years:  A Survey of Bibliographical Sources in the Areas of History, Archeology, Linguistics, and ArtZastopanost In Pregled Objav Na Tematiko Venetov V Znanstveni Literaturi Zadnjih 30 Let:  Pregled Po Bibliografskih Bazah Na Podroc'ju Zgodovine, Arheologije, Linguistike In Umetnosti
22Sharda, Jagdish C.
with Škulj, Joz'e
Indo-Aryan and Slavic Affinities Indoslovanske Genetske In Jezikovne Vezi
23Škerbinc, Anton The English Edition of the Book Veneti:  New Perspectives, Responses Angleška Izdaja Knjige Veneti:  Nova Obzorja, Odmevi
24Škulj, Joz'e with
Sharda, Jagdish C.
Indo-Aryan and Slavic Affinities Indoslovanske Genetske In Jezikovne Vezi
25Smolej, Milan V.
with Tulajev, Pavel V.
Veneti, Scandinavia, Russia - Some Observations Veneti, Skandinavija, Rusija - Nekaj Opaz'anj
26Thomas, Eric The Discoveries of Erich Röth about Connections between the Old Germanic and Venetic Languages
27Thomas, Eric The Veneti in the Writings of Jacob Lorber
28Tomaz'ic', Ivan Veneti are the Beginning of the Slovenian Nation Slovenci Smo Potomci Venetov
29Tomezzoli, Giancarlo About Two Magré-Rhaetic Inscriptions in the Civic Natural History Museum in Verona
30Tomezzoli, Giancarlo Venetic Archive
31Toulaev, Pavel Vladimirovich Veneti:  Ancestors of Slavs Veneti:  Predniki Slovanov
32Tulajev, Pavel V.
with Smolej, Milan V.
Veneti, Scandinavia, Russia - Some Observations Veneti, Skandinavija, Rusija - Nekaj Opaz'anj
33Vodopivec, Vinko Ateste Tablets:  The Religious and Grammar Legacy of Our Ancestors Atestinske Tablice, Molilni In Slovnic'ni Pomniki Naših Prednikov
34Vuga, Lucian The Contemporary Theory of Continuity:  The Baltic, Adriatic and Paphlagonian Veneti Jantarska Pot:  Baltiški, Jadranski In Paflagonski Veneti

*Title Links Connect to Abstracts of the Papers in English Only

Page Created: June 24, 2001
Page Updated: August 26, 2003
©Copyright 2001, 2002, 2003 Gary L. Gorsha