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Who I Am

I am a tall, single (separated), experienced, dominant, mature, masculine man with a sadistic component to my personality. A bdsm, D/s, TPE, Master/slave, however you want to define it lifestyle is not a hobby for me nor is it role "play". It is my reality, my religion, the life that I chose to live and it is not something that I am interested in doing on a part time basis.
I am an Atheist/Hedonist and have no interest in organized deception.
I am in reasonably good shape and fairly sane.
I do not smoke tobacco, but I do smoke cannabis and that is the extent of my nonprescription drug use. I occasionally enjoy a glass or two of wine with a meal.
I am single/separated and have my own place in east Van.
I am HIV neg and STD free and so are the people that I play with. I get checked twice a year and not because I take foolish risks, but for my own piece of mind. I was exposed to Hep C in my youth and only found out that I had it a few years ago. I spent 48 weeks of 2006 on a medical treatment named Pegetron to rid my body of the virus. I have remained negative since April 2006, the 1st time that I was tested to see if the treatment was working and I have remained negative ever since. Because the virus continues to be undetectable and has remained so each time I am tested, I am now considered cured and it will not return. I do not play with anyone without discussing this with them first.

The woman I Seek

I would like to meet a single woman, around my age who is interested in finding out if we are compatible and who eventually wants a long term D/s relationship that is as close to 24/7 as realistically possible. A submissive woman who knows what she wants and understands that imagination is every bit as important as experience.
you are submissive, devoted, obedient and eager to serve your Master.
you know what you need to fill the void in your life and are not willing to settle for less.
you are a very sexual woman and know what you enjoy and want from life.
you want to live an essentially monogamous relationship, but would enjoy playing as a couple with other couples.


I enjoy playing with heteroflexible couples who are secure enough with their relationship and honest enough with each other to explore the things that they both want to experience.

I have played with a number of women and a few couples, but have not met that special one I seek. If you think that I could be the One you are looking for, email me at and we will discuss this further.