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North America Travel Guide

12/23 countries

Thomas O'Brien's North America

Central America is a narrow isthmus of land connecting North America to South America. The North Pacific Ocean lies to the southwest, the Caribbean Sea lies to the northeast, and the Gulf of Mexico lies to the north. Most of Central America rests atop the Caribbean Plate. The region is geologically active, with volcanic eruptions and earthquakes occurring from time to time. Fertile soils from weathered volcanic lavas have enabled highland areas to support large towns and cities. Central America provides a stunning coastline, temperate waters, tropical forests and a rich and diverse cultural experience, with numerous archaeological sites of civilizations past.

Click on waving flags or on the map for the north american countries I have been to. Please sign guestbook.

Venezuela Colombia Panama Costa Rica Nicaragua Honduras El Salvador Belize Guatemala Mexico United States of America Trinidad & Tobago Puerto Rico Dominican Republic Haiti Jamaica The Bahamas Cuba Turks and Caicos Islands Panama Costa Rica Nicaragua Honduras El Salvador Guatemala Belize


• Ancient Mayan ruins in Tikal, Copan and Joya de Ceren.
• Colonial towns and architecture.