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Warning: Nothing you read here should be considered true, different people have different opinions

Big Bad Ninja Legend has it that ninjas were beings who would jump out occasionally and kill people. No one can confirm of their existence till this day. Neither does anyone know whether they still do. If you came to this site to unravel that mystery, you're in the wrong place. I was never a scholar in History.

Ninjas originate from the volcano Arenal in Costa Rica. When it erupted somewhere in 5000 BC, the ashes bombarded with the nuclei of the surrounding air particles and formed human-like beings, thus the rise of the ninjas. This theory was believed to be the subliminal message behind Einstein's Theory of Relativity.

Many believe that unexplained deaths are caused by ninjas. They are untraceable; many believe they have the ability to disappear into thin air because of their molecular structure, hence the phrase "Gone with the wind".

No one has yet spotted a ninja, except anime producer Osamu Tezuka, who is the only reason why ninjas are believed to originate from Japan. It is believed that if you do see one, you will be killed instantly. The only way to see them without getting killed instantly is when they are taking a leak in the White House. You can run from them, but you can't hide from them, and you will still get killed promptly.

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