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WARNING!! This page contains spoilers! You have been warned. I will not be held responsible if I ruin the story for you.

Gourry Gabriev

Full name: Gourry Gabriev Gaorii Gaburiefu
Age: unknown - I estimate around 22
Blood type: B - People with type B blood are said in the Japanese culture to be very curious. They tend to get all excited about something, but forget about it really quickly. They do know what things are most important and what they should keep, though. They tend to excel in things, rather than being only average. However, they are in their own little world often, so they neglect important things sometimes. They tend to seem very cheerful and enthusiastic... it does sound a lot like Gourry, doesn't it? ^_^
Seiyuu (Voice actor): Yasunori Matsumoto (Japanese), Eric Stuart(English)
First appearance: Slayers TV episode 1

We first meet the blond swordsman when Lina is fighting some bandits. He thinks she's a damsel in distress, and noticing the opportunity to show off in front of a chick, he jumps in immediately to help her. (He doesn't notice that she can beat the bandits easily by herself ^_^)

But when he finally kills all of the bandits, he looks at Lina and finds... an underdeveloped "little girl". He offers to be her bodyguard. (His grandma told him to always be good to girls ^_^) Lina isn't too happy about it... until she finds out that Gourry is the holder of the legendary Hikari no Ken (Sword of Light). She tried to get him to give the Hikari no Ken up, but he says he can't because it's been passed down for generations in his family. Lina says she's gonna follow Gourry around until he finally gives her the Hikari no Ken. (Of course... I think that reason changes eventually ^_~ ... more on that in a minute)

Well, about his personality. Gourry's not too smart. He's... to put it rather bluntly... a moron. ^_^ He's not too observant. He's a dumb blond. ^_^ Example: he has no idea who some more well-known entities are, such as Gaav. He has to have almost everything spelled out to finally understand it. He also doesn't know any magic... but he's most definitely the best swordsman in the Slayers world, so he more than makes up for it. Zangulus has a rivalry with him, because Zangulus wants to be the best swordsman in the world.

In the series, Gourry and Lina end up together. Some people like to make pages about Lina and Zel, Lina and Xelloss... and the list goes on. But in the series, like I said, it does, in fact, end up Gourry-Lina. And in my opinion, that's the best way to be. But of course, that's just my opinion. ^_^ Anyway, like I said... at first, Lina followed Gourry around until he would give her the Hikari no Ken. But I think eventually they started to like each other. ^_~ So they travel together now all the time.