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Besieged Cast list

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(The Crew: Based on the members of the Camp Hill stage crew when "The Curse" was being written, and also including Christian who was lead role in the play.
In the story, the Crew is a crime-fighting vigilante group)

I see that A-level choice paid off! Christian Blyth: Crew's driver
The Crew's driver. Christian didn't actually have a driving licence when I started drawing so I don't know where that came from. His pride and joy in the comic is the Crew's green van.
No, I'm not dead. It's a bit complicated. Richard Cordiner: Crew's frontman
The Crew's frontman, and part-time occultist, Richard is often the directing force behind the Crew's actions. In the stage crew this was often the case too!
I'm the one who has to clean that off, you know! Anis Ahmed: Crew's engineer
The Crew's scientific genius, inventor of all their weapons. Also perhaps the most easy-going, certainly a reflection of his role in the stage crew!
Why can't your truck do that? Andrew Evans: Crew's gunman
The brawn of the Crew, and also their gunman. Andy is the only Crew member not to appear in the third book, being, as he was in real life at the time, impossible to contact.
For sooth, sirrah, these are size elevens! Stuart Shelley: Court fool
Writer of the Crew's code book of operational manoeuvres in Book 1, a court fool in Book 2 (read into that what you will), and simply himself in Book 3. Significantly, Stuart is also one of the Cat's creators- the cartoonist who gave him his current form and who drew these cartoons in which the cat took his opportunity to exact revenge.
PS: Yes, he's me.
I seem to have a blind spot for the number 4 Andrew Rogers: The Court inventor
A maths teacher and hospital radio librarian in real life, but in the comic he is the Cat's genesis, and has gone on to head his own "Rogers' Theories Inc" with Peter Jack, a business that…
Comes up with theories.
In Book 2 he is an inventor and creates yet another cat, this time a war machine.
Look, I'm not a sorcerer OR a wizard! Chris Parsons: Wizard
The man who used to write all the Cat's scripts before "The Curse" was ever conceived of. In the comic he works for Mssrs Rogers and Jack in "Rogers' Theories Inc."
Briefly in Book 1 he appears as "The Wizard of Happy Land", something to do with an old school play in which he and Naomi had parts during their childhood. This then explains his appearance as a wizard in Book 2.
We need a plan. We must do something. The Witch
Originally just a by-product of the song in Book 1 (pages 17-18), written by Chris Parsons. However, she turned out to be a useful character and as such is one of only three fictional characters that appear in all three books. She is the daughter of one Jerry Hat-Trick, and drives a truck bearing that name. It's understood that the Cat has encountered her before. In any case, her desire to see the Cat terminated grows stronger with each book.
Now I'm stuck here with Jim! What a mess! The Cat
Conceived by Andrew Rogers, originally scripted by Chris and later revamped by me, the Cat enters Book 1 within the first six pages, until which point I was simply drawing a comic book for the fun of it. From page 7 onwards, however, it became clear that the Cat was a central character and he gradually guided the entire storyline. He's just so easy to draw!
Ooh! Is it time for my soliloquy now? Jim Kennedy: mad scientist
The Cat's mad scientist, although there's a suggestion in Book 3 that he was actually working against the Cat, and in Book 2 he only talks about rescuing his "employer". Open to speculation.
Pardon me but your friend is insane The Genie
Another by-product of a song by Chris (Book 2, page 20) who turned out to be a useful character (and fun to draw!). His motivation in the story seems to be to try and become a living human being again. Oh, and that picture of the floating lamp under "THE END" in Book 3 - that's not for nothing...
You see? I told you there'd be a sequel! Christopher Shelley: Himself
A new arrival in the Shelley family at the time, little Christopher had to go in. His real personality has recently surpassed all these comic predictions though.
I think you're meant to be playing poker Becky Shelley: Herself
My own character rather cruelly tries to tell her she can't be in the story, but note that she's there nonetheless.
Time for our band image change! He's floating down the canal So what's the plan, Ben? We haven't slept for two days! It's in the manual. Just drive. The Crash Test Dummies: Themselves/bodyguards
Undoubtedly my favourite band while I was drawing the first two books. They had to go in. They are the Cat's disgruntled bodyguards, coerced into the job with the promise of low-cost recording facilities and good pay. They eventually rebel.
I don't know why I'm doing this Richard Mason: bogus cameraman
Another real-life nice guy portrayed as an evil (or just misguided) baddy. I put it down to student humour.
No-one except me touches the wheel of that juggernaut! Andy Nash: hitman
I was never even taught by Andrew Nash and he was only really put in to form a double act with David McCormack. It is purely plot dynamics that causes him to appear at the start of Book 2.
I just came along for the ride! Lindsay Mellor: bogus sound crew
Her role in the story is very simply to get the cat back, as she's convinced he is her pet.
I wanted to record 'Drennage' Stewart:
My character's alter-ego in a group created by the Cat to match the Crew man for man. Violent, irritable and a bit scatty, he nevertheless survives the carnage suffered by his colleagues in Book 2 (an oversight on my part when I drew the scene) and goes on to manage the Cat's assets during his absence.
I drove into a bush and ran out of fuel at the same time Tristen:
Christian's opposite number. Dull and a bit stupid, but owner of a nice black van that the comic version of Christian had always wanted.
Richard's Italian counterpart. Possibly connected to the Mafia but as he doesn't say much we'll never know.
Even more chilled-out than Anis, but incredibly vain.
Just head straight for his lair André:
More calm and collected than Andrew, but still the brawn of his group.
I say, we've found Jim's lair, don'tcherknow! C.J.:
A typical public school toff character, and Chris' opposite.
The little "Geezer", Christopher's mirror image. Worryingly, the real Christopher is starting to show these traits!
Are you sure you know how to fly this thing? Charlotte Lee: reporter/spy
Her role as a reporter was decided early on- the independence of the character reflects the nature of the real Miss Lee.
What a way to travel (!) Kate Ballard: The Silent One
We didn't actually know Kate all that well, but she cropped up during the initial plot suggestions. "The Silent One" was an obvious tag as we never heard her talk much.
How do you know all these people? Ah, you'll be that secret agent Lubna Obaid & Dan Jennings spies
Quite a double act in their own right at the time. Poor Lubna is portrayed as a bit clueless, and Dan is just Dan. They are spies working for Mr Jack.
Calling all cars! Paul Duffy: police sgt.
A very independent role as the Police Sergeant in charge of the Crew's police guard/escort.
Those three trucks just broke a red light, sir! Michael Russell: police constable
Ideally he should have had a larger role, but instead he was fated merely to be a Police Constable. Somehow the hat seemed to fit the head…
Phil ate all my files from B to M David Boardman: MI5 agent/drummer
A surprisingly periferal character for one so involved in the social life of the real-life crew. Dave worked with Christian and I on some initial plot ideas but I don't remember if he gave himself this role or not.
There's been a small glitch... Dave Liggins: Himself
Star of "Get Out" in Frontier, the Cat's debut comic, Dave makes a few cameo appearances here and there.
I'll just get my coat and then we can elope Naomi Simms: Herself
There is no real point to Naomi in the plot, she is simply a convenient extra character, as are many of the others. I was often asked "Can I be in it?" or "Why isn't he/she in it?"
Why are you still carrying that blanket? Julie Douglas: Herself
Read as for Naomi. At the time that this was being drawn these two were inseperable.
It might be true but it doesn't wash! Peter Jack: Deputy manager
Portrayed fairly true to life. certainly I think he'd have fitted right in at Rogers' Theories Inc. To my knowledge, though, he is not possessed by a paranoid compulsion to protect his own life, as he appears to be in Book 2.
Richard Mansell: hapless motorist
Got a point on his licence for driving in a bus lane. Couldn't find a bigger role for him.
How's the leg, innit? Quang Nguyen: doctor
If this man ever becomes a doctor I shall be taking extra special care not to injure myself while in Birmingham.
It's bound to fail. Good luck!We are also retailers of Evil's Doughnuts Nick Romluc & Phil Bennett Removal men/guitarists
Good friends of Dave, and were once in a band with him. The doughnut reference alludes to Phil's old practise of buying goods from Dunkin Donuts in Kings Heath and selling them on for a mild profit in the Sixth Form block. As for his head never appearing in the frame, I could call it paying my respects to Police Academy. Then again it could just be the shock I received on first meeting Phil, to find someone taller than myself.
What would you like a song about, your majesty? Sting: Mr Thing, the king's minstrel (special guest star!)
Another favourite singer of mine making a guest appearance. The "Mr Thing" tag is based on his interview with Reeves and Mortimer.
Stopcallingmeigor,master Michael Rosefield: Jim's sidekick
The illegible speech bubbles correspond to the sometimes unintelligible speech. His role as general dogsbody and the butt of Jim's frustration was also based on real life.
Who you has given the orders of attacking? Jacques Chirac: Jean Chirrean, Courinnean Grand Général (special guest star!)
Not drawn particularly well, and portrayed in quite a favourable light. Well, I'm not French, I have no reason to dislike him.
Confused yet? Koochiekoo: The little green duck
Originally just a background character, this little duck eventually rose to become a narrator in Book 2. Apparently once owned by Mulder. The name comes again from that play Chris and Naomi were in, which is a kind of running in-joke for that particular scene (page 32).
I've gotta see how Davenall's getting on... Gary:
Thug stereotype working for Davenall. Picture Gary as the bloodthirsty one.
...All these friendly, familiar faces...Gambourde! What search we alréady? Gambourde and Lorin:
Based on two bumbling detectives, Lambourd and Gorin, in a play by Marcel Aymé. In the whole play they were the only two characters I liked. In Book 3 they take on the roles of Jean Réno and his sidekick in "Les Visiteurs".
What secret weapon? King Reynold:
A friendly and scatter-brained king, based more on the post-viking warrior kings than the Tudor-/Stuart-style monarch.
You ain't from round here are you, mister? The sentry:
My own stab at mindless xenophobia
You have of tha chance, cat yèllow. Jacques Ségat:
Just to show that the same phobia exists on both sides of the fence.
I must translate for the cat, senior Caval:
Aspiring to be a translator myself, I had this interpretor portrayed as a decent, simple and unbiased person. A few qualities one should find in all interpretors perhaps
You have not thèn found tha weapon secrèt? Astérique and Obélique:
Well I wonder where they could have come from...
As many readers will know, the Asterix books were a HUGE influence on me.
That doesn't sound too good, does it! Peregrin:
A kind of Robin Hood take-off.
Come on boys, we're going! Aha! take that! Who's that up ahead, mum? The Leftwiches:
A lot of my experience of France was gathered while staying with my uncle, aunt and cousins. They appear only briefly and are not referred to by name (or even don't appear at all- sorry John!) but the thought is there.