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The 2-Leggèd Trilogy

Cat and creator

That is to say, welcome to the Cat on the Net website, where you can read the Two-Legged Cat books on-line.
I'm still having problems with memory space, and most of the second book has recently disappeared. It'll probably be ages before I can sort that out though.

To read the comic, click on the picture, to see a run-down of the cast, click on the title.


Click here to read it

Click here for the cast list

A crew of five find themselves being dragged from one story to another and have to ask themselves the question, 'Who is writing the script?'
Could it be none other than that yellow cat, who is angry that he was conceived with only two legs? This means trouble for the others because with half the comic under his control and a big band of thugs at his command it could be said that the cat has the upper hand. He wants vengeance on his creators and, of course, a cat will always tease its prey first.

S.J.Shelley 1996


Click here to read it

Click here for the cast list

The Cat's three creators are trapped in a medieval sub-world devised by the Cat's mad scientist, Jim. They have, however, managed to bring the luckless feline with them, but that means there's going to be a bit of a squabble over the electronic device that could be their only key back to the real world. It could even mean war!
In the meantime the crew are trying to rescue their friends. Unfortunately their only hope is Jim, who has done a runner. Can the crew track him down before he decides to rescue the Cat, even with so many other people eager to stand in their way?

S.J.Shelley 1997


Click here to read it

Click here for the cast list

Students are on the council! However, before they can set about subsidising all the local pubs and so on, they will have to reckon with 'McGregor, O'Miley, Llewellyn & Brown Ltd' which has come under new management. Yes, the Cat is back, and he's not in the least bit happy!
It's up to the students to save the comic from the take-over bid before the council get back off their holidays, or else the Cat may finally get his way.

S.J.Shelley 1999

Inkwash!....... Back to the Legacy

The Cat and the Crew, grudges forgotten

And while you're passing through, why not leave some comments on a little slip of paper in the Cat's Basket, otherwise known as his Guestbook.

Herbie's cat sanctuary Finally, a little link to the only other two-legged cat on the net; Herbie, battling for the needs of real two-legged cats and other sick animals.