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Pages 1 - 3 The Cat's plan is revealed.
Pages 4 -6 Reappearance of the Genie.
Pages 7 - 9 Everyone is warned.
Pages 10 - 12 The students are invited to form the council.
Pages 13 - 15 The Cat's arrival.
Pages 16 - 18 The Witch and Richard arrive in Stockton.
Pages 19 - 21 The hunt is on.
Pages 22 - 24 Trying to thwart the Cat.
Pages 25 - 27 Locating his lair.
Pages 28 - 30 Jim is captured.
Pages 31 - 33 The Genie gets mad.
Pages 34 - 36 Going to Millennium.
Pages 37 - 39 The contingency plan fails.
Pages 40 - 42 Andrew Rogers and Chris Parsons arrive.
Pages 43 - 45 An unexpected outcome.