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On the right-hand side of dash, cut neces
sary holes in dash mat thru punched holes
provided and attach temperature control
valve. (See figure 97.)

Attach temperature control rod bracket to
instrument panel in holes provided in lower
flange to left of glove compartment. Set
control rod thru panel hole and insert rub
ber grommet. Remove retainer from tern
perature control valve, attach control rod
and replace retainer.

Attach end of control valve capillary tube
to dash mat, (see figure 99).

Figure 97

to heater and install grommets, (see figure
100). Pierce the dash mat from the engine
side thru the mounting bolt holes and from
the passenger side cut two 1-3/4 diameter
holes in the dash mat at these points to al
low bracket to rest against dash.

3. Set heater in place with gasket between
heater case and cowl panel. Attach to cowl
panel using five of the cover plate screws.
A hex head bolt is furnished far the front
center hole. Attach dash mounting bracket
with nuts and washers furnished.

4. Assemble motor seal to dash using cover
plate screws.

5. Assemble the two lengths of hose to the de
froster fittings and attach the fittings under
the cowl as indicated with the sheet metal
screws furnished. The long hose is used
on the left side and the short one on the
right. It is necessary to remove the glove
compartment from the instrument panel to
install the fitting; on the right side.


Figure 99

9. Attach defroster control cable bracket to
instrument panel in holes provided to left
of steering; column.

111, Attach defroster control cable thru hole in
bracket and to heater as shown in figure 101.

11. Install air switch to the right of defroster
control bracket and connect and assemble
wires in clips as indicated.

12. Drain radiator, remove pipe plugs at points
A & C, insert nipples and attach hose con
nections, (see figure 100).


Figure 98

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