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Castle Starlin's Dungeon

Welcome to the Dungeon! The place deffinately has a little more grit and grim than the rest, but it's still home to an assortment of all things both great and small. We mainly torture the knowledge from the skulls of lesser-do's, and we tend to keep that knowledge here in the dungeon. Wouldn't want it slipping out into the rest of the lands now would we. We once had a vast and great library that would tell the skills and secrets of all men who walked the learned and trained path, but now that library is closed to the public. Perhaps the librarian would loan you a tome or two, if you find yourself in his good graces.

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Updates - I'm finally back to working here. Check out the updates and look at the Web Guide to PrC's. Last updated (07/09/03)

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Prestige Classes

As I once said in our last dungeon, PrC's are the new heart and soul of character creation in D&D. Apparently someone at Dragon thinks so too, they said the same thing in a recent issue related to D&D 3.5. So, what would any d20 site be without a selection of PrC's? Not only do I provide you with my own works of wonder, not only do I list every PrC that you can find in a published WotC product, but also I list as many PrC's from the web as I can possibly find!

Starlin's 3D&D Prestige Classes - Here you can find the creative works geared toward PrC's. My own home-brewed prestige classes will be posted here. Anyone wishing to have their own PrC's shown to the world may submit them and I'd be more than willing to host them here at CSD.

Starlin's Web Guide to 3D&D Prestige Classes - The Now up and running internet guide to prestige classes. It already contains links to 176 internet based PrC's! Enjoy as many PrC's off the net as I can find. Many more to come as I find them. Remember, if you know of a site that isn't added to the web guide, e-mail it to me!


All things magical created by members of my role-playing group.

Campaign X

Details on the up and coming Beyond the Portals © campaign, as well as new inovations and house rules.


Visit my links page to view over 50 d20 pages including publishers of games under the OGL for d20. Know of a site not listed here or don't see your site listed here? Simply e-mail the URL to me and I'll add you to the list. Hopefully you can find useful information from these sites as well.

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Dungeons & Dragons is a Registered Trademark of Wizards of the Coast (WotC). The original 3rd edition Dugeons & Dragons material Copyright 2000 by WotC. All Rights Reserved. Used without permission. Any use of WotC's copyrighted material or trademarks in any page herein should not be viewed as a challenge to those copyrights or trademarks.

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