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Antenatal Care for the first 3 months

Dr. Sameera Bazli

The first 3 months of pregnancy is the time when a woman experiences many physical and mental changes especially in the first pregnancy.

During the first 3 months,
- Distaste in the mouth
- Nausea & vomitting
- Vertigo and a feeling of fatigue
may be the common symptoms. These are all signs of usual hormonal changes of pregnancy which can be controlled by altering dietry habits and intake of fluids.

Sometimes vomitting gets severe to the extent that leads to dehydration. At that point the doctors might prescribe medicines to control vomitting and even intravenous fluids to correct hydration. These symptoms usually subside after 3rd month of pregnancy.

A woman has enough reserves of energy in the first 3 months of her first pregnancy and even in the begining of subsequent pregnancies and she might not need any supplements during this period. But an expecting mother of third world country might experience a deficiency of FOLIC ACID, a vitamin that is usually given as a supplement to malnourished and pale women in the begining of their pregnancy.

As pregnancy advances, mother's energy reserves are consumed both by her and the baby. Iron and Calcium supplements are usually advised by the doctor whenever is necessary.

A set of baseline investigations are carried out by the gynaecologist during each pregnancy.These include,
- Blood grouping.
- Estimation of Haemoglobin in blood.
- Blood sugar level.
- Urine examination for excessive proteins or any infection.

The blood pressure and weight are measured by the doctor on each antenatal visit.
An abdominal examination by the doctor to determine the age of the baby and also to calculate the number of heart beats per minute in order to avoid any distress the baby might undergo due to decrease or increase in the heart rate.

Importance of Ultrasound examination during pregnancy:
An ultrasound of the abdomen is done whenever the doctor thinks that it is needed. It is usually done to detect any mental or physical abnormality of the baby and for the exact age of gestation. There are a whole lot of other reasons why a gynaecologist might want the patient to undergo ultrasound examination.

How can you make your pregnancy into a Happy Event??
a- A healthy routine and a balanced diet.
b- A positive attitude towards life can make your pregnancy an easy one.
c- Try to learn to enjoy the changes you go through during your pregnancy.
d- Follow the directions that your doctor has given you and at once go for an antenatal visit if you experience any signs or symptoms that your doctor has warned you about.
e- Do not take any medicines unless prescribed by your gynaecologist.

EMED, Faisalabad, Pakistan.

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