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The Marketing Leaders
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The PLI EXLUSIVE is inviting you to become its Life Long partner. Become a member once and earn for rest of your life. For this you do not need to invest even a single rupee, Just join our programs and we would make you our life long business partner. The details of the programs is provided below.

(1)    Become an Exclusive Referrer.

All you have to do is to join us as referrer. Whenever any person referred by you purchases something from us. We would give you 2 percent commission. Even the person referred by you purchases some thing after ten years, we would remember you and you would continue to receive 2 percent of the total purchase by the member. This applies to all sales, however PLI Exclusives reserves the rights to alter commission plans for specific products. In this case all referrers would be notified in due course and contents would be noted on web. So hurry up become our affiliate and start earning commission. Click here to become our referrer. Before you become our referrer, please read well the Terms and Condition Section.

(2)    Become our Member Associate

As a member associate, your work is just like a referrer but terms and conditions are different. You have to refer members only and business is not necessary. Whenever the member referred by the Member Associates purchases something, we would immediately give the Member Associate 1 percent of the total purchase by the referred member, no matter whenever he purchases. Moreover whenever the referred member becomes and Assosiate Member and brings new member, they would also give you commission (0.5 Percent) up to five levels. Suppose you are an Associate member, you bring another Member, he brings another member, new member brings another member and so on. As being immediate to the first new member, you would get 1 percent whenever that person happens to buy something but you would receive 0.5 percent of the sales below to your next Associate Member upto five levels. In this way this would give you an opportunity to earn up to 3 percent of total sale. Once you become our Associate member, you remain our business partner through out the life. So become an Associate Member and prepare your team. Start your own business and superwise your team.

(3)    Become an Exclusive Point

If you own a business and want a life long collaboration with us. You can become a PLI EXCLUSIVE POINT in your area. Please contact for details.






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19 November, 2002