More twists... Summary: The heroes struggle their way to the center of the Spider Asylum to find a twist in their quest. However, one their own falls... When the heroes arrive at the center of the Asylum, they find a mechanical contraption broken, and the area overrun with the criminally insane now sane, led by a serial killer, Griffon Xan. Using the psychic powers of the twisted cursed victims to his advantage, Griffon manages to nearly destroy the heroes, leaving only Derk standing, and Versa bled to death only a room away. They manage to find journal belonging to Khalla Darkwater, Versa's friend and lover. How she came to be here is explained in a few pages of sanity. Evidently, she touched a dangerous sensory stone, which contained more than senses, it contained the essense/soul/memory of a dead god. The journal points to the Astral, as she explains that a Bleaker physician intends to steal her away to the Silver Void, for whatever reasons...
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