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...the fire that burns brightest...

A Very Special Episode:
Helping a friend...


To bring Versa back from the dead, the heroes also aid their new ally, Ooloom the Bleaker, rescue his dead compatriot from a mad wizard in Pandemonium...

The heroes return to Pandemonium to rescue Onzmeer, a friend of Ooloom. Acording to divinations, the half-orc and his apprentice journeyed to Pandemonium to visit a wizard named Fhelzor at his hideout, the Demonclaw.

The heroes find the wizard hideously transformed into part of a tanar'ri, and after a gruesome battle involving teleportation, summoned animals (which ran about mad), and lucky blows, the heroes defeat the wizard, rescued the apprentice, and brought back the body of Onzmeer.

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