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A Rude Awakening

Laradia rolled over sluggishly when she heard the knock at the door. Aren would get it, she was sure. When the knock sounded again, she started up and looked around... her husband was gone. She grabbed for an instant at the link, assuring herself that he was still alive, and somewhere to the east of her it seemed. Grumbling, she pulled on her shift as she drug herself towards the door. She really hated mornings, especially early ones. Opening the door, she saw Saram standing before her looking slightly frightened to see that she was the one who had answered. "Yes? What is it?" she asked him, observing that he seemed agitated about something. He looked around nervously until she invited him in and then the entire story of what had happened in the common room spilled out of him. He told her about the wounded man and how the new girl, Flora had treated him so well. The moment he had mentioned Trolocs, Laradia had begun donning her clothing, and she paused in lacing her bodice when he spoke about Flora. She must have been very tired not to have noticed that before... Quickly she finished dressing and went downstairs to see if there was anything that needed doing.

Laradia Sedai Aes Sedai of the Blue Ajah
on tower business
