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A Village


Amandir had rested for the night, although rested was a relative term. It was difficult to rest with the wind threatening to rip off her cloak and expose her to the elements. Why not ask for rain as well, perhaps even thunder and lightning? Blood and ashes. Her head ached from the lack of sleep and food. She rolled over, willing herself to get up. "Come on," she groaned, forcing her legs to obey. They slowly did so, nearly buckling in the process. She took a step forward, and the world spun around her. "Ugh...." she murmured, dropping to her knees. This was not good. She needed sustenance. Food. Anything. She would have gladly eaten toadstools, if they had been available. Somehow the residents of the Shadow Coast were immune to the effects of toadstools. Nothing. Not even a dandelion to chew on. Drawing her leg up, she forced herself to stand. The world would stop spinning eventually. She made her way forward.

Clearly Caemlyn was too far away, especially with her questionable physical state. No, she needed food sooner, or she would perish. Hours passed, and she trudged through the grass, visions of roasted fish and seaweed soup filling her mind. Granted, she would probably have to make do with roast mutton and ale, but she wouldn't complain. Lifting her head, she noticed she had wandered more westernly than before. The sun was setting, and she needed food. Her stomach growled insistently. Amandir noticed a peak in the distance. It was red in color, and the sun glinted through slits in its sides. It was the peak of a rooftop. Was it a village? She rubbed her eyes. Yes, it was a village! She broke out into a run. Food at last!

from the Shadow Coast

"Not all those who wander are lost"-Tolkien
"The greatest thing you'll ever learn is just to love and be loved in return"-Moulin Rouge
