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Laradia saw Aren comming back to the road with a frown, a real one this time. "What is it?" she asked when he gets close enough to talk quietly. "Is everything alright?"

"Not exactly," he said as he pulled near on his stallion. At least a fist of trollocs has been here, probably more. And they are not out for a picnic. It seems like they were carefully, systematically testing Caemlyn's defenses. That's more intelligent than even a Fade could manage ..." His frown deepens into a scowl.

Laradia looked suprized, then thoughtful. "We should get inside the city. Start asking around." She kicked her horse forward, "what do you think it is?"

He shook his head. "I don't know, yet. Hopefully Elaida will have something." He sighed as the gates came closer. "Let's discuss this later, when there aren't ears around to pry."

She grimaced at the mention of Elaida, but nodded and remained quiet as they moved foward into the city. At the gate they were met with a long line of commoner people trying to get in, and Laradia steared her fine gelding around them towards the gates.

To herself she wondered again about the unrest in the world that would cause so many to be seeking the saftey of the City, especially on Winter's Eve when most would remain home with their families.

The warder fell completely silent as well, following her on Amath. He was deep in thought, and his grey-green eyes were slightly distant, as though paying attention to nothing and everything at once. He was clearly troubled by his discovery.

At the gates they were challenged by the guards, and it was only after she explained about her heritage, business in the city (trade, suposedly) and they had a good chance to evaluate her fine blue cloak that Laradia and Aren were allowed to pass. The streets were clogged, and it was slow going on horseback as they made their way to the Dancing Badger.

As they arrived at the inn, Aren dismounted and took their horses to the back. They'd been at the Badger enough times that Mistress Blone's stablehand immediately stepped up to assist them with their horses. Aren smiled at the boy and handed him a small coin, then turned to help Laradia into the inn itself by way of the side door.

Laradia remebered her lost race, and turned back to the boy, giving him another coin. "Could you carry these bags into our rooms for me?" she asked, "I lost the bet with my husband, but I cannot mannage them by myself. I won't have it said that I don't keep my word." At that last she looked up and winked at Aren. The boy looked excyted and bobed up and down in his bows before rushing off to see to the horses. Laradia let herself be guided into the inn, secure with having Aren's hand on the small of her back.

Aren chuckled softly, though it was a reserved chuckle. "I would have gotten them soon as we had our rooms, my love." He nudged her slightly.

She grined, and looked back over her shoulder at him as they made their way through the noisy common room to the main counter. "I know, but I want you to be rested..." She let the line linger, and turned to the bartender. "Is Mistress Blone around this evening?"

The barkeep looked up from cleaning his glass, and gave a little start, then nodded and called back into the kitchen. In a few minutes a short, round, ruddy-cheeked woman walked out, and let out a slight squeel when she saw Laradia and Aren. "BY THE LIGHT! I thought the Dark One had gotten you, it's been so long since you last came to visit me! But am I ever happy to see you two. Well i would ask if you have tied the knot yet, but by the silly girn you both are wearing, yes i can see you smiling behind your frown Aren, that you must have--and if i do say so myself it suits you well."

The warder let a soft smile cross his face as he looked to Mistress Blone. The woman had ever made his life amusing, if nothing more. "Thank you, Mistress. Yes, we were married early this summer, and I told Laradia that you would send out hunting parties if you got wind of that before we told you ourselves." He winked to the Mistress of the inn, simultaneously squeezing his wife's hand softly.

She bustled around the bar, pulling Laradia into an enveloping hug (much to Laradia's suprize) and then grabbing Aren's face and planting a big kiss on his cheek. "I am just so happy for the both of you. The Badger always makes good matches, she does. I supose you will be wanting a room for the evening--FLORA!!!!!!" She yelled in the direction of the kitchen, and a thin, whispy, girl walked out, looking dog tired.

"Flora, show these nice folks to the newleywed suites- and tell cook to make them up something nice. Also tell Thag that he had better get that fire going again they will want a bath before they head to bed."

The warder grinned sidelong at Laradia. "A bath would be wonderful."

She grined again at them, then waved them off and into the care of Flora. "Make sure you get behind his ears dear- they always forget that" she grinned at Laradia.

Laradia Sedai
Blue Ajah on Tower Business

Aran Garenhald
Warder of Laradia

The Dancing Badger,Caemlyn

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