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Delusions of Grandure and Finaly Sustenance

Amandir awoke with a start. The last thing she remembered was running from Geranai, seeking escape from its blood-spattered exterior and smoking chambers. She shook her head, rolling over in the green grass. That Aes Sedai.....why was she in the village? A vision of the Aes Sedai flooded her mind, an Aes Sedai without a marker for the One Power. Her head spun, and the Aes Sedai's eyes flashed open. "Child, you know so little," she taunted, looming before her now like a ghost.Amandir gaped, pulling her knees to her chest in protection. The Aes Sedai glared at her with an icy gaze, and Amandir flinched. Suddenly, the Yellow Ajah was consumed by smoke and flame, and a figure in black appeared. In one hand it held the marker for the One power; in the other, the body of the Aes Sedai. It threw them both into the air, and the two exploded in a burst of flame and vanished. Now the figure waxed and expanded. ! Scales covered its entire body, and a a forked tongue extended from its mouth. It was a dragon, perhaps the Dragon, bringing destruction to the world! Amandir couldn't allow this to happen. She stood up, waving her arms crazily, jumping up and down...

Suddenly the dragon vanished, the fire vanished, and everything spun. Amandir blinked again. When she finally opened her eyes, she realized that she had been lying on the ground for far too long. In fact, judging by the sore condition of her limbs, she had not gone to Geranai after all. She must have passed out after losing the food bag, after a mere few miles of walking. All of her adventure with the red peak had been a dream, for there was no red peak. In fact, she thought, rummaging through her belongings, perhaps she had not lost the food bag after all. Hadn't she combined it with one of her other bags to make traveling easier, and then forgotten the change after a mixture of fatigue and hunger? Amandir rolled over, easing herself to her knees. Carefully she pulled each of her various bags out, and began rifling through them.

Abruptly, she groaned. There was the food bag, just where she thought she had left it. Blood and ashes! No wonder none of the other wanderers liked her. She went into high dramatics over lost food, and there it was, right with her all the time. Visions of Aes Sedai and trollocs indeed! She laughed out loud, pulled out her rations and began eating. The sun was high in the sky by now, and a slight breeze ruffled the grasses.

Amandir, Wanderer/Woodswoman from the Shadow Coast
