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Enter Angst

Bleak, hard morning. Cold permeating the surrounding hills. I liked it that way. I was on a one way road straight to Caemlyn, no turning back now, the official Whitecloak mantle awaited me. I would be proud, morally upright, set an example for the whole of the world with their heretic attitudes. Yet, why did I feel this dread, permeating my every motion, coating my soul with metaphorical soot. Why did I feel this venture as unclean, defying the very nature of the light? This is not the attitude of a proper Whitecloak, such thoughts should be eradicated, yet that whole concept was repugnant to me. I focused upon the inner light within me, but even that only partially quelled my worries, mediation could not clear this filth from my mind. I was startled out of my trance by the sound of the horn, it was time to continue my journey to Caemlyn and finally reach my goal of these past four years, the ordination into the divine order of the Whitecloak. At that thought the Nausea hit me again, but with a determined effort I pushed it to the back of my mind as I mounted Elvier, my mount and companion in solitude. Sometimes I thought the horse was the only one that understood me, my tragic fate and his forever tied with the strings of eternity. I let him carry me on, on into the wind, towards the city of my destiny, where my hopes and fears would be validated, my destiny fulfilled, my faith confirmed.

Jean Pierre Vorksagian Whitecloak Initiate On his way to Caemlyn

