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Entering The Wetlands

Ardaren watched the pass leading out of ths spine of the world, so it really had come to this, leaving the Three-Fold land, bound by Ji'e'toh, to find a ,man whose actual name he didn't even know. With a sigh he ran down the rocky slopes into an area where knee high grass flanked the road [providing it with a +2 bonus against the road, and allowing it to get sneak attack if any]. The land was so differernt so... wet, even the dirt road was somehow wetter then should be, which reminded him that his waterskin was almost dry, hopefully he would find a pool of water soon, or maybe a segade, which he could tap for maybe two days of water. Just then he noticed dust in the distance, somebody was coming and not worried about being seen, before he even thought he pivoted around and looked for a place to hide, the knee high grass would be more than high enough to hide in but he would prefer to be farther from the road, but finding nothing ! better he set himself in the grass, with spears ready and veil drawn. A man and a woman on horse road along the path and stopped a good 20 feet away, they had no weapons that could be seen, they started looking around in some shrubbery, taking berries adn talking amongst themselves about a Pye, or maybe pi, what ever it was, he had the impression that it was some kind of food. Perhaps these wetlanders can help me he thought, surely i can't avoid all wetlanders untill I find this...Pokey... a look of pure hatred showed on his face, it would be so great when he finally confronted Pokey and exacted his toh. He crept up to about 10 feet of the wetlanders and stood on one knee, with his right palm up, "Greeting wetlan...", the two swiveled around like they were jumping at a blood snake that they had just noticed, and jumped back a good five feet before sprinting to their horses, if you could call their running sprinting, but it looked like they were going as fast as they could. ! "wait" he said, the man looked back for a split second, but before Ard aren could say anymore, they were galloping into the wetlands yelling at the horses to go faster. Ardaren could have caught up to them on their horses, if he had wanted to, but he fealt no need to upset the wetlanders, he would probably be in the wetlands for a long time, and he would have to be careful, a good 10-12 wetlanders, with their swords, could be a challenge even for someone who had been dancing the spears as long as Ardaren.

Ardaren of the Tardaad Aiel
Somewhere entering the Wetlands

