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The girl approached the two with a skittish look in her eyes. She'd not been in Mistress Blone's employ when the couple had been at the Dancing Badjer previously, but she'd heard Mistress Blone speak of them enough to know that she did not like how well they were treated for seamingly no reason. They had money, that's all that seemed to matter to the Mistress--or so the girl thought. "This way," she said as sweetly as she could manage, then turned and led them up the stairs to the room reserved for newlyweds.

Flora turned and gave that same, less-than-sweet smile to the man and his wife. It was quite evident she disdained them for having what she could not--and to the warder it was also quite evident that the girl was lonely, sad, and lacking in love. He was glad she worked for Mistress Blone. The pudgy woman would teach the whispy girl much more than just how to tend to patrons. She'd teach her how to enjoy her life. Flora unlocked the door to the suites, then handed the Warder the key. "I'll go give Thag his orders, then return to see if there's anything you require." She said it as though they were helpless and required pampering.

Aren smiled in response and nodded, handing her a coin equivalent to the boy's outside. "Thank you, Flora. Don't worry about the fire. I'll handle it."

The girl frowned at him, scrunching her smudgy nose, then turned and headed down to the kitchen.

Aren Garenhald

Barmaid, The Dancing Badger

The Dancing Badger,Caemlyn

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