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Amandir ran toward the red peak, chasing the rays of the sun as they slipped below the horizon. Her hood had fallen back from her head, and her long hair flew behind her in a stream of gold. To all observers, she was a flaxen-haired incarnation of Nike, and ready to take flight. "Oh, miraculous food!" she called, giving a slight leap into the air. Amandir could almost smell her supper now, that husky aroma of beef stew. She could see the meat simmering in the thick brown sauce; the slender carrots growing more tender as they bathed in the heat...even the onions would appeal to her now. Putting on a final burst of speed, she sprinted for the village.

She reached the small rise that overlooked the village. The red peak was visible from there, although it seemed different up close. Amandir bent over slightly and caught her breath. Her legs were shaking; she needed to calm them. When she looked out again, her eyes met with a ghastly sight. The houses below were charred and blackened. Thick gray smoke poured from gaping holes in their sides. Bodies covered the ground, and streaks of blood smeared the walls. In fact, Amandir realized, the only reason that she had seen the peak in the distance was because...oh, it was too terrible to comprehend! She shook her head, biting her lip fiercely. This village had once been called Geranai, and was known for its peaceful inhabitants. In fact, if she remembered correctly, another wanderer had told her that Geranai was known for its white rooftops.

Well no longer, she thought. The trollocs had made quick work of this place. Amandir sighed. There was only one thing that could be done. Her eyes darting every which way, she made her way down to the village. Covering her mouth with her cloak, she canvassed the village proper. Perhaps one of the houses wasn't burning and still had food inside. Yes, her hunger was making her delirious. This was dangerous, what if the trollocs had left someone to keep watch? Her eyes wandered every which way, half-expecting a trolloc to emerge from each smoking doorway. Some heroine she was. Abruptly, the body of a woman caught her eye. Amandir froze. An attractive woman with brown hair, she was dressed in the golden robes of an Aes Sedai. Amandir's eyes were locked upon the woman. What was an Aes Sedai doing in Geranai? She felt a strange tingling creep up her spine. Something was wrong here, terribly wrong. Amandir stared at the body. No, this wa! sn't right. She had heard stories of the Forsaken in her youth, but never expected to see evidence of one. And yet it was gone....the marker of the One Power was gone! Amandir's eyes widened. She was in over her head with this one. She needed to leave this village now.......breaking into a run, she ran back the way she had come, and didn't look back.....
