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Healers and Spies

Garren sat in the common room of the Dancing Badger. He was wounded, badly, and in his mumblings the few patrons of the day could pick out the words "Trolloc" or "Nightmare" here and there. Most of them laughed at him and ignored it, but the serving girl Flora most certainly did not. She had hoped for adventure such as this all her life. Even as she tended to te poor man's deep wounds, she listened intently to every word he had to say.

"They came on us ..." he sounded like a madman, corrupted by his madness. "It were six of us, and they was like goats! Horns an--" he cut off as a spasm of pain wracked his body. The serving girl could not have been more than seventeen years, but she seemed to have a deft and natural talent for healing. She gently wrapped one of his lacerations with a cloth that was moist with cloying herbs that would help the wound to heal faster. The man went on with his story as the pain passed: "and claws. They was like monsters out o' a gleeman's tale, they was." He sighed and smiled to Flora. "Thank ye, lass."

"Lie still, sir. I'll have Mistress Brone get a room for you."

Across the room, sitting quietly at the bar, the young stablehand sat munching on a sandwich. He was the only other person in the room to be paying attention, but he had a much different reason. Saram finished his sandwich nonchallantly, knowing better than to attract attention. He'd been yelled at for that more than enough times by the Warder. When he finished his sandwich, he stood and moved into the kitchen, then headed up the stairs as quietly as he could. He made his way to the suite that had been reserved by Laradia Sedai and Aren and gently knocked on the door.

It opened slightly after a brief moment, and the boy was allowed in.

Flora and Saram
as played by Aren Garenhald
Warder of Laradia Sedai

- Caemlyn -

