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Horse Racing

Aren smiled in memory as he kicked his horse up to keep pace. "Mistress Blone was too good to us then, and still is now. That woman's got her heart in the right place. I like the Badger, too. Nice and quiet most of the time." He glanced at her again. "Shall we go as a courtier and her husband, then?" He looked to her, a glimmer of hope in his eyes.

She couldn't help grinning like a fool. "Of course, my beloved husband. Besides we are already dressed for the part. Let's get there soon, I want a bath with you."

Aren blinked, and for a moment he was completely surprised--a rare instance in the ever-expecting warder's lifetime. Then, a boyish grin spread across his face. "We're but three hours away at this pace. If you'd allow me to pick up the pace, I can shorten that to two."

"Fine, lead on my dear--last one there has to carry the bags." With that she took off at a sprint, even though she knew her horse would slow to a more comfortable pace soon.

The warder grinned and watched her get ahead for a few moments. He knew Amath, his grey Stallion, could catch her horse with ease and overtake her, but then, he also knew he'd be carrying the bags. "Let's give her something to think about, old friend." He patted the horses neck, then kicked lightly at it's flanks. The spirited horse whickered once, then set off at a fast run. In a matter of moments, he was beside his wife once again, and he slowed to match her pace. "Two hours to Caemlyn, tops." He winked at her and moved just ahead of her, taking his position in the front.

Aren Garenhald
The Boy in Warder's Clothing

Laradia Sedai
Blue Ajah

