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"98, 99, 100!" The Lady Miara Rose of the House Rakar said as she finished brushing her hair. "Finally," she thought. Her hair glissened as ... well... as hair tends to glissen after being brushed a hundred times. She slid into a silk dress of deep dark green. Three horizantal slashes ran across the top of the dress. She frowned sadly at the change in social position those horizantal slashes represented. "Not for long" she thought, "not for long." She sat down at a stool in front of the looking glass, and dabbed some powder on her nose. She put some color on her lips and eyes, drawing attention to her light skin and dark eyes and hair. She nodded curtly at the mirror and rang a little bell.

A few moments later, Kaila came in to dress her hair. "What are you looking for today, m'lady?" Kaila asked. "Umm..." the reply began, "Flowers Surrounding Garden Benches seems appropriate for the occasion." The perfect hair style for the occasion.... something seemingly innocent and sweet, yet disdainful at the same time. "The first time you'll be wearing it out then, m'lady?" Miara replied and the two made small talk while Kaila fixed her hair with ribbons, bows and pins. Kaila had worked for her for five years now. Miara had stolen her from an enemy, and a few simple tricks had kept Kaila from leaving her. That's what was so disdainful about Flowers Surrounding Garden Benches. The style itself wasn't, but the woman she had stolen Kaila from would recognize it tonight as having Kaila's touch. Besides, if she, the daughter of a disregarded house, at! tended a dull event at Lady Ingalls with a new hairstyle, the other nobles may think her station higher than those three stripes suggest.

Remembering that she had Played to keep most of her servants always made her sad. She wished she'd hadn't had to do to ensure their loyalty. But she did what she had to do, and what's done is done. At least she hadn't had to manipulate Cade. What she thought she might have to do there was already planted in his mind by the time she'd thought of it. The occasional smile didn't hurt either...

Kaila finished her hair and left. Miara continued to sit on the stool after she left, practicing her smiles. There was one for those above her position and one for those below. One for servants, and one for enemies. One for men she planned to use, one for men she planned to squash. She reviewed the things she wanted to say, and those things she wanted to make a point of not saying. She recalled all her contacts in Ingalls' service just in case she bumped into one of them.

She realized the setting sun meant Cade would be arriving soon to escort her. One last look in the mirror showed everything was perfect. She smoothed her skirts and pushed her face into an appropriate smile. She walked back out to her sitting room and poured herself a glass of tea. Good servants always managed to know when she would want hot tea.

Lady Miara Rose
Head of the House Rakar

