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"We can only do our best to make sure it is as little as possible."

The warder rumbled softly, low in his chest. Beyond that, he did little to respond. After a moment's pause, he shook his head. "I only hope our best is enough. But the Wheel weaves as the Wheel will. Let us only hope it weaves in our favor."

She laughed out loud. "That's my line! You are catching on, love, soon we'll have you playing the Great Game."

Aren's brow quirked slightly as he looked to his wife. "Care to run that by me again?" He winked, knowing she'd catch the familiar phrase.

She giggled like a novice, and gave him a small shove before leaning over for a brief kiss. "And to think there was a time when i thought that was all you knew how to say."

He smiled, his gray-green eyes glittering briefly. "You were young and impetuous, and I was too shy to admit I knew more. Imagine if we hadn't met the Gholam, eh?" He grinned, though there was still pain in his eyes that showed he had not enjoyed that encounter, despite the outcome. "Now back to the business at hand. Shall we play Courtier and her faithful servant in Caemlyn again? Or have you some other guises in mind now that we're married?"

She grimaced at the mention of the Gholam, and made a small hand jesture of protection from evil out of habit. Shaking herself, she found her mind and kicked her horse into a brisker pace so that they were once again at a good pace to reach Caemlyn. "I am getting tired of that one, but sometimes it is good to go with the old standard, espcially when circumstances have changed." She winked at him, knowlingly. "Besides I am sure that we can get a room at the Dancing Badger. Mistress Blone said to come visit when we were married, she did give everyone in the place a free round when we announced our engagement."

Aren Garenhald
"Care to run that by me again?"

Laradia Sedai
Blue Ajah on Tower Busisness

