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The Patterns of The Wheel

"What's wrong? Don't you like the wind?" The warder turned in the saddle, raising a brow. "I love the wind, but this is ridiculous."

Laradia thought for a moment and then trotted foward so that they could ride side by side. "Why do you say that?"

"This wind cannot be natural, Laradia. I don't understand it, and I don't like it." He sighed and edged his mount closer to hers, close enough that he could reach out and take her hand in his own.

The Aes Sedai reached out and squeezed his hand. This closeness was still too new, she had to reassure herself and him that they were for real. "The pattern is not right, but that is why we do what we do, it shall be fixed. If not by us then, light willing, by the Creator himself. We must have rain soon or there may be such a famine as we have not known in this age. And without Cairhien producing it will be worse."

"The lack of rain--more than the wind--irks me." He sighed and stared south again, holding her hand in his own. "I worry for those not in Tar Valon." He frowned briefly. "I worry for Tar Valon. They'll storm the city, thinking we have access to food they do not. They don't understand the magic." I don't even understand it, he thinks.

She shook her head saddly, "I fear that there will be much bloodshead before all of this is through. We can only do our best to make sure it is as little as possible."

Aren Garenhald

Laradia Sedai
Blue Ajah on Tower Busisness

