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Unexpected News

Laradia turned to her husband and protector. "I love you." She threw her arms around his neck and planted a kiss square on his lips. "you were good to her."

The warder smiled to his wife, wrapping his arms around her and lifting her feet off the ground as he brought her up into another kiss. As he broke the kiss, he said, "I love you, too," then set her down and motioned for her to preceed him into the room.

Even then the stableboy appeared from the stairs with their bags, huffing slightly from the walk, but smiling contentedly. They didn't seem to pack heavy as so many nobles did, so carrying their bags hadn't been the chore he'd imagined.

"Thank you, Miss Laradia." He smiled at her. He had worked here when they'd been here before, and he knew these two were generous with their coin. "Anything else I can do for you tonight?"

"Have you been listening as i told you to last time i was here?" She asked.

"Yes, ma'am. I have."

"And what have you heard?" she asked.

The boy shrugged. "Baren Traggor's wife died about two weeks ago. That got all the neighbor's upset. And then there was the hag. . . "

"What about the hag?"

"Well, she started croaking something about the wind and about three taverns or something like that.. We all think she's gone crazy." He grinned, but the grin faded at Aren's frown, and he hurried to finish telling the news. "Lately, though, a few people have disappeared. Nobody talks about that much, they've just said they became darkfriends and forget about it. And rumor has it that Queen Morgase and General Bryne are . . . . well you know." He scuffed his foot slightly.

"Yes, that I do know. How many have disappeared?" She looked intently at the young man.

He shrugged. "I dunno, a few. Maybe five? Maybe more. I don't go everywhere in Caemlyn, but my friends say it's the same no matter where. Mostly they're disappearing from the area nearest the outer walls, though."

Laradia's face darkened, and her gaze froze as she though. Unfortunatly she had forgotten about the young man in front of her.

The warder looked to the boy and grinned, noting the sudden look of fear on his face. Handing him a last coin, he nodded to the boy. "On your way, then. You're to give Amath and Sied your best treatment." He winked at the boy, who promptly turned on his heels and scuttled down the stairs back to his work, glad to be out of the company of the two, despite their generosity.

Aran looked to his wife and sighed. "Come, my love. Let's go see about that bath and discuss these matters. It seems there's more than Beltine to prepare for in Caemlyn tonight."

Laradia shook herself and looked up at her companion, letting him lead her away.

Laradia Sedai
Blue Ajah on Tower Business

Aren Garenhald
Warder and Husband

The Dancing Badger, Caemlyn

