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Tea Party

In the parlor of the Lady Miara Rose of the House Rakar's rooms, the Lady and her bodygaurd and old friend, Cade Bankhrah sat taking afternoon tea. "

"So, this tea, sure is good, Miara. Where did you get it?" Cade sipped his tea and took a crumpet. Miara responded, "You know very well where I got it, Cade." She said, flashing him a smile, remembering how she'd bargained the clerk down to almost nothing for it. Sipping her tea, she continued, "Now stop trying to change the subject!"

"Sorry, my lady, but I have always been impressed with your bargaining prowess. I just love watching you tell the story, so... But do continue" He sipped his tea and bit into his crumpet. She almost cried out, "Do you think the Duke will marry my sister or not?!" Looking at him, willing him not to change the subject again, she eats a crumpet, looking at him. "Well, Diana has the will of many a fierce warrior. I believe the Duke may be a trifle intimidated with her"

"Everything is coming together so perfectly.... I would hate it if everything just fell apart because of one stupid little thing." She slumped against her chair. "Well certainly." He took a huge bite of his crumpet.

Miara sighed as she straightened in her chair. She chugged the rest of her tea, pinky in the air. Cade pauses, and watches Miara do this, and admires her grace. He tries to sip the tea daintily, but his fingers are a little too large. "So, what do you have planned for today m' lady? I mean... since you've had such a busy morning already."

"I recieved an invitation for Lady Ingall a few days back. I thought we might attend." She said, feeling miserable as she said it. "I see. Do you have a date in waitng? A gentleman caller of sorts?"

"Oh, it galls me so to have to attend one of THAT woman's parties. She's such a nothing... I could kill my father, reducing me to this."

"I see. Hmmm..." He sipped his tea. She looked at him, very confusedly, "I was hoping you would escort me, as you always do." She raised her eyebrow. "Unless of couse you have a date, or a lady caller of sorts"

"Well, I was going too, I just thought you may have to hob-knob about on the arm of some prince or something... you know... for your father.."

"No one of that level will be there this evening."

"I see!" A glint of exitement shows in Cade's eyes...too fast to notice, unless carefully observed. "So it's just you and I, then?"

"And a group of lesser nobles I wouldn't associate myself with unless my life depended on it. Unfortunately, it does."

"Ahh, I mean from the House of Rakar. It'll be just you and I?"


"Hmmm..." She poured herself another cup of tea and put two lumps of sugar in the cup. "You will wear the good cloak, won't you?"

"I was JUST about to ask that! Yes, I shall then."

"Wonderful." Cade finishes his tea and crumpet. "Are you finished?" She asked, looking at his empty glass. "Oh, no, this tea is too good to go unserved, ma'am. Top me off... Please." She pours him another cup of tea. "Thank you," he said. "Cade, you've known me since I was three years old. what's this ma'am business?"

"We'll you are my employer, still, and I just wanted to show my respect. If you'd like, I can call you Lady Miara, or Head Noblemistress of the House of Rakar, or..."

"UGH!" she exclaimed, quite childishly. "Why don't you save that for when we're in public, and when we're alone, pretend like my House never fell?"

"My Lady my sincerest apologies. I shall try to be more prudent in those activities" As he says this, Cade jumps to his feet and bows. Miara rolls her eyes. "You may rise my loyal servant."

"At your word, I shall hurry myself over to my quarters right away to ready myself for the night"

"If you will leave me now, I too should prepare for the evening"

"Do you wish for me to wear the good black cloak, or the good blue cloak? Or perhaps the red cloak..."

"Black. It'll match what I"m wearing better... Now, out with you!" She says, smiling. "Ok. At once. I shall return to your chambers at the hour the the eve, to pick you up!" Cade bows and stiffly walks out.

Lady Miara Rose, Head of the House Rakar

Capt. Cade Bankhrah, Body Guard of the Lady Miara

