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Paradise Cove, by Vicky

Table of Contents

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven

Rating: R-Language/violence
Genre: Adventure/Drama Author: Vicky
Last updated on May 11, 2003
Summary: Elijah, Orlando, Dom, Merry, Sean, and Zach all decide to take a trip to Hawaii together. Instead of going to the main-stream attractions, as most tourists would do, they end up in a small town in Kauai by the name of Haku A Ku-U Makua, where deep deceptions lie just beneath the surface. They get to know a group of unlikely friends, that introduce them to the beauty of Paradise Cove. It's by far the most beautiful place any of them have ever been, which only proves that looks can be decieving.
Author's Note: I'm not entirely sure if I'm going to make this a romance yet or not... I could have my character, 'Ao, hook up with someone, but I'm not sure I like that idea...Anyhow, all the Hawaiin words are real Hawaiian words... All names are real names, and so on and so forth. Another thing; give this story sometime... It's really different... Curses and such show up later... Hope no one minds!