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Fan Fiction
Author Index

Name: Vicky

Age: 16



Books: Brave New World, Harry Potter series, anything Stephen King, Anne Rice, John Grisham, Shakespeare, or Poe

Movie: LotR, Harry Potter, Matrix, Tarzan, Lady and the Tramp, Blow, and Atlantis. Yes, I am sixteen years old, and still watching Disney Cartoons. ::Hi, my name is Vicky, and I have a problem...::

TV Show: Simpsons, Malcolm in the Middle, and, as nerd-ish as this is going to sound, almost ALL the shows on The Travel Channel, The Discovery Channel, Learning Channel, and the History Channel

Hobbies: reading, writing, my websites, music (I play the guitar, piano, and trumpet, and am starting the violin next month), mall, movies... The like.

Favorite character in LotR: In the books its Sam, but in the movie, it's Pippin. Come on, all! Pippin's great! I mean, he NEVER really helps them, and almost gets them killed time after time!

All time best LotR/Actor fic you've ever read: Hm... I don't know. I only read Elijah Wood fanfiction, and aside from this site (which, seriously, has some of the best fanfiction I've ever read, and I've been around the block and back) have been AWFUL ::Can we say Mary Sue?:: So... We'll just say ALL of Elijah Chico. If I find a good one, I'll let you know, though...

Can you remember the VERY FIRST fan fic you ever read? Yes I can!

If yes, what was it called/what fandom? It was a Harry Potter Fic by the name of His Majesty's Secret Service by Gwendolyn Grace on the

What's the first fic you ever wrote? Well, this is the first one that's ever actually been decent, so do the others count? I wrote some Harry Potter stuff... I have a chapter story on that's unfinished and will remain that way, and two other short stories-one an angsty little piece about Draco/Hermione, and the other is a look into the life of an Aurora on the job, fighting Voldemort.

Slash good or bad? Works for me! I've read some awesome slash pieces! ::Don't knock it till ya've tried it!::

FanFiction.Net penname: How bout fictionalley pen name? The site is and my pen name is Ara. Check under the Dark Arts and Shnoogle.

If I were a LotR creature I would be a... I'd LIKE to be an elf, but I have the oddest feeling I have far too much in common with man... ::damn my laziness/greed!::

Fics by Vicky:

Paradise Cove